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Old 01-28-06, 09:28 AM   #9
Sonar Guy
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As for the poll, the two options are complementary with DW.

There are some issues (USNI reference and associated copyrights, for example) that would prevent SCS from adopting the lwami mod databases and doctrines into the next 'official' patch (which would prove our point very well) but had those issues been solved I wouldn't be surprised if they actually made such a move - assuming that LW&AMI are willing to give their work to scs in that fashion, which I don't believe to be far-fetched.

Yes, it is your mistake, coming in as a newbie to a mod forum filled with dedicated modders to post your view that, to put it bluntly, Mods SUXORS (to use crap Internet vernacular). At the very least you could put it in the Users forum (the main one), since that's where the guys who don't with mods might reside. Anyone here plays with mods almost by definition and loves it.
Then again, maybe he was looking for just the sort of input he's getting here.

Or for that sake, he could have been trolling - I don't jump to conclusions, but that is a possibility - though perhaps the scs board thread he referenced would more or less prove otherwise.

The "division of labor", so to speak, is clearly delineated in DW. Modders can change the text files (doctrines and databases) as well as 3D models, but not the main program and its DLLs (at least they can't distribute it - no one can stop them from changing their own copy). That greatly reduces the chance of a trojan being transmitted. We can't even change enough in the program to change the Weapon Loadout interface's titles. I think you have little to worry about from trojans or even Easter Eggs from the DW mod community.
It *might* be possible (very unlikely, I think, and even then it would take a heck of a lot ofeffort) to create a bad database that causes code execution. The "packaging" may include some bad code, in self-extractor/autoinstaller or mod-switcher. Though if you're worried, just use tiny firewall.

As for easter eggs - well, it's possible to make ships have a big greenpeace logo (etc etc etc etc) on their sides, and if you consider the russian/italian(?) panels, the interfaces too.

That said, it's genereally few people in the community who will do any of it - at least in the "established" SC/DW community. And I believe anyone trying any of it would be detected fairly quickly.

Teaching DW newbies how to climb the food chain.
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