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Old 11-07-12, 12:52 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by antikristuseke View Post
Some major issues with Win 8 that have yet to be mentioned here and which if left unchanged should drive every gamer away from this particular OS.
I have to say it is incorrect at multiple points.

First of all, regarding mature games, it is only limited in the EU, and even with that, only pornographic games (Microsoft fine tuned its criteria, to limit ONLY pornographic titles).

I don't really see where the uproar is from, in all its previous stores(Windows Phone, Xbox Live, Zune, Games For Windows Live), Microsoft never allowed pornographic material.

In fact, it is fully understandable that Microsoft would want to certify the content in the windows store. There has to be a level of quality control, and security checks. I have published in the Windows Phone store, it is pretty easy to go through, and they are pretty transparent.

The policies are clear:

and Microsoft provides pretty good tools to help you:

And if this is not your thing, you can easily enable homebrew on your Windows 8 device. Sure, its a bit more than just downloading an exe and running it, but it is not nearly as convoluted as Symbian homebrew.

As for open source, Microsoft's policy is EXTREMELY clear. They DO allow open source stuff (hell, I might finally finish up my encryption system and release it).

I understand why Valve and its fans are angry. Its simple, Windows Store is assaulting the Steam business model. Usually, physical stores take 50% of the sale, Valve takes 30-40%, Microsoft starts by taking 30%, if your app does well, it is reduced to 20%. Plus, Microsoft finally rolled xbox live and windows live together, so you will get a single system on 3 platforms (Windows, Xbox, Windows Phone).

Microsoft reduces their take from 30% to 20% if you make more revenue than $25000. This is a major thing with game developers. For an industry used to being gouged 50% by Gamestop, Microsoft seems a LOT better. Since after all, at 40-60$ a copy, it is extremely easy for a game developer to make $25000. After that, Microsoft takes the lowest cut in the industry.

Sony's current crossbuy model is pretty good, buy once, play on 2 platforms, with saves synced between both. Microsoft is currently looking into it, really stupid if they don't do it if you ask me.

I would say that Valve is worried, and they should, since so far, most developers I have talked to do enjoy the Windows Store process. I attribute it to Microsoft's developer focus.

Remember Ballmer's "developers" chant. In the Microsoft world, the first class customers are the developers. I have spoken to many developers, and not a single one was afraid of Microsoft treating them unfairly. (or at least not any more than Apple, Google, Sony, Nokia, etc)

So yeah, I game on windows 8, and I develop on windows 8. I believe that the OS has lots of potential for gaming, and I will assure you, the development community WILL support it.
My own open source project on Sourceforge KGB grade encryption for the rest of us
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