After all said and done it will boil down to this. if you want to try something new and different from what you are use to then try Windows 8 with the apps.
but if you have a android smart phone and the newness of it has worn off then you will like Widows 8 something like what I am using no apps and back to the desktop.
This operating System allows you to swap back and forth if you wish or even return to Windows 7 although my opinion is to be true that most people will not even notice any difference between the two so returning to Windows 7 would be a waste of time.
And others will say the whole thing is a waist of space but haven't we heard this all before you know Vista, 7 and now 8. XP was also my favourite of all of them but I had to move with the new releases to try and help other people with there computer problems and now I supply systems to them.
So complaining about something you are not even going to use well what's the point but using something new and learning about it and passing that knowledge on well.
And I cant wait to see just what is produced to add to this version
Last edited by SeaWolf U-57; 10-31-12 at 05:23 PM.