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Old 10-04-12, 02:37 PM   #73
SimHq Tom Cofield
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Originally Posted by Teh_Diplomat View Post
I watched this last night, and I must say this is the reason why premium cables shows (Showtime/HBO/AMC) have been winning Emmy's and creating fantastic shows that keep you hooked.

I felt like I was watching the season ender, not the opening season.

Everything in the first episode felt so crammed together. The brief news blurb on the President being under impeachment (why?/howcome?) The calls for nukes to be launched right after the break(wait I get to know the crew only 10 mins and now **** hits the fan?), the prototype on the Sub and the lady who created it(why was it put on the that sub, could we perchance explore that a little deeper instead of rushing on to the NATO forward command site?

They have a lot of potential in terms of understanding how to that sub ended up where it did, but it felt rushed, as if it had to show something crazy before every commercial break.

I feel this was a good plot, ruined by executives because any conspiracy theory show/ especially with false flags, and suchnot would be far better drawn out and explain everything whilst suspense ensues.

In a lot of ways this show reminds me of Prison Break, in the sense that once they resolve the key issue what else is left for the show? Once they stand down or are granted alysum that is; much in the same way that once you break out of prison how much longer can the show go on and retain some quality?

I saw it, it was OK. I had to suspend disbelief but I can do that. I have to othewise I will rip apart any medical or military movie I watch.

One thing I don't get is why they tried to cram so much into one hour. This 'first' hour could have easily gone 2-3 episodes and probably would have gotten the show off to a better feel. Geez, at sea, ordered to fire, question order, get relieved, get shot at, get damaged, get away to some island, take over the island, watch as the US nukes Pakistan, go threaten the US, then fire a nuke at Washington that flies over the city to fry the QE3 in the middle of the Atlantic. There could have been an entire season in just the first hour of the thing but they had to shove all of this down our throat, including a side plot with some defense contractors and some 'secret' device on the sub. Have I got it all there yet? Nope, there is some 'secret' aboard the boat that has some crew members trying to sabotage the boat, the hot female on the boat that you know will be banging the XO eventually because there HAS to be sexual tension on the boat.

Factual innacuracies are expected, I seriously doubt the Navy Department is just going to let a bunch of actors hang out on a boomer for a month so that they can figure out the exact launch sequence or all protocols. Besides being a breach of national security it would take a boomer out of service for the sake of a stupid TV show. But this thing must have been sponsored by the National Association of Attention Deficit Disorder members because it bounces all over the place and doesn't settle down long enough for the average person to figure out. Take a leak and you are confused. Not good for the first of what they hope is a successful series.
Thomas Cofield
Feature Editor,
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