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Old 08-22-12, 04:17 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch View Post
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So.. wee, looks like another "My silent hunter is better then your silent hunter" thing going on. Whatever. But since its out there, ill toss in my 2 cents.

In my opinion....

Silent hunter 4 is the title with the most potential.

1. It's one level of indirection away from SH3. Lets face it, like it or not, SH3 is the yardstick that is being used in this community. Most of the old fart modders cut there teeth there. Racerboy, err i mean The dark Wraith, and myself included. SH3 has the most unbroken features as compared to SH4, and with still more broken features in SH5. The further you get from SH3, the more broken the base game is. Why? Cause ubi reused code. They took SH3, stapled some modifcations onto it, and made SH4. With SH5, they took this thing which was stapled over SH3, and duct taped something onto the top of that. SH5 is two levels in indirection away from the most (comparitively) bug free base. Not to say that SH3 doesnt have its issues. It does. But the more Ubi added onto it, the more issues they introduced. Sh5 inherits ALL the problems of SH4, and SH3, while introducing new issues all it's own.

2. Most options to the end user. SH4 is the only title in the series that has the ability to allow you to explore two different theaters of war, and a whole lot of different submarines to choose from. Basically, its entirely possible to play with every major submarine type the Germans and Americans ever fielded in WW2.

3. Way easier to mod. The fact that its not using a proprietary file format like GR2, and with a well developed swiss army knife of mod tools (S3D), with the lone exception of hardcoded behavior, there isn't a whole lot you can't accomplish in SH4. However, even some hardcoded stuff can be modded if people really wanted to. Exe patch's exist for Sh3 and SH5. Just not SH4, because it's the red headed step child of what is largely a uboat fan site. Uboat fans tend to be purists, and since SH4 isn't a pure uboat game, its the red headed step child of the community.

3. Game manages campaign resources exceptionally well, and the game loads faster then both SH3, and SH5. Personally, I hate staring at load screens.

4. No DRM.

I'm sure if i sat here long enough i could come up with all sorts of reasons why SH4 is the best overall title if you look at the larger picture. It has the most potential, and the majority of it will remained untapped. A lot of people bitch because SH5 wasn't what they wanted. Which was SH3 with better graphics. Much of the same people scoff at SH4 because it's not pure uboat. And I admit, I had my role to play in that back in the "battle of the fanboys" between fleet boat and uboat fans. But the bottom line is people will still sit there and play SH3 until the game is too old to be ran on newer machines because their too set in there ways, and are used to others building the modded game for them. Hell I imagine some years hence people will still be playing SH3 with either GWX or NYGM on a modern equivlant to running and old game in a Dos box when untapped potential is just one SH title higher. But that isn't my problem.

Side note on SH5: I like it a lot, but there's just too many newer problems to fix, too many older problems to fix (again), and this point, i'm done with submarine sims entirely. SH3, 4, and 5 all play the same way. Find, chase sink. Repeat tell tedium sets in. Been there, done that, bought the T shirt, and wore it out.

Last edited by Ducimus; 08-22-12 at 04:29 PM.
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