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Old 05-02-12, 10:16 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Hylander_1314 View Post
Great mod Caustic! The fog is a little much though. Any chance you could get it closer to TMO's settings? Light fog, is very thin, and you can still make out the horizon, although just barely.

Lookouts can still see ships up to about 7000 yards max, and you can see them too, although they are onlt silouettes.

Love the colors for water and atmospherics, and the clouds and patterns.

Almost have to make seperate versions for the different mods though.
Thanks, It's nice to have one centralized mod. Personally, I really love the heavier fog where enemies can sneak up on you. Perhaps you could post some screenshots of the effect you are discussing and I could possibly implement it somewhere. I have not yet began to modify the environmental files due to the work involved and the exceptional results that occured just by focusing on the scene.dat. My knowledge base is also somewhat limited but i'm still learning.

It would be nice to have a completely new environmental mod but there is already tons of variety out there in this mod and other mods alike. I wonder if you can genuinely create something unique, particularly the water mechanics which cannot be made to look more aesthetic than they currently are. However....Lighting, fog, and ocean color are things that can be greatly customized and possibly improved.
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