Thread: SH1 Photo Rec
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Old 04-19-12, 10:50 AM   #2
Pacific Thunder
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Default SHCE Photo Recon

Sure, I'll paste in how to do it the correct way from the manual... lol
Photo Recon Mission

The Photo Recon mission takes advantage of a submarine's ability to approach a target (hopefully) undetected, gather valuable intelligence, and escape.

You are assigned to Photo Recon missions in campaigns via a radio transmission. In addition to the radio message a red "T" icon appears on the chart screen over the facilities to be photographed. In order to successfully complete a Photo Recon Mission the sub must move close enough to the target area. A "red" light, located in the TBT or Periscope viewing area will indicate the sub is close enough to take a picture. The "TAB" key is used to take the photograph. You know the mission has been accomplished when the "T" icon disappears from the chart screen; this is accompanied by a voice and text message stating "Mission completed, sir." Scoring - Each completed Photo Recon mission is worth 500 points at the 100% realism setting. NOTE: Photo Recon missions can only be accomplished during daylight hours. It is best to remain completely zoomed out (1x) in order to locate the area that needs to be photographed.
I always tried to sneak in close, sometimes past the Destroyers and PC's patrolling while moving in toward the red light viewable from the periscope or TBT but 99% the scope. Close is a couple thousand yards. Recons are fun to do and rewarding too.

Happy Hunting!

" Bless those who serve beneath the deep,
Through lonely hours their vigil keep.
May peace their mission ever be,
Protect each one we ask of thee.
Bless those at home who wait and pray,
For their return by night and day."

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