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Old 03-21-12, 04:25 AM   #845
Navy Seal
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Yes I think Sober is correct. The map should look like this

You are the second person in 2 days to notice this and there has been a few before

It could be installing OHII and using an old save or not starting a career with OHII installed. That mission is in the stock campaign, but with 2 objectives and it looks like the game is looking for the second one but there is none as OHII has removed it

The patrol area is the northen line - I do not know why the second area is beinng shown (SW approach), it could be related to the above - I will check.

Finding ships for the NW approaches - Yes I found this a bit low in traffic for the date you are there.
There are however a few hot spots where shipping lanes cross and these are you best hunting areas. I will post a pic soon to show them.

For the error, can you test for me
Start new career (test) with OHII (MMM) installed and skip tut.
Use the mod "Change days in bunker" and here set days to 24 or something.
Then you can repeat paotrol/dock until you get to the date of that objective (may take about x5 patrol/docks) and see if the mission is dislpayed ok.

Trevally Mods for SH5
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