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Old 03-02-12, 04:20 PM   #14
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Default A MOD list for review

For the last week or so I've been sitting in the bunker rearranging my MOD list prior to starting a new career and setting sail. Before posting that list in another thread I ran the JSGME Mod Validator and while it said that all MODS were installed correctly there were several conflicts. I've attached a small portion of the conflict section here;

Mod conflicts:
+D = creation dates equal, -D = creation dates not equal
+A = last accessed dates equal, -A = last accessed dates not equal
+W = last accessed write dates equal, -M = last accessed write dates not equal
+S = sizes equal, -S = sizes not equal

Dynamic Environment SH5 BrighterNights V2.1 conflicts with Dynamic Environment SH5 Basemod (realistic version) V2.1
\data\Env\EnvColors_Polar.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Polar_A.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Polar_A_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Polar_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Temperate.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Temperate_A.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Temperate_A_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Temperate_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Tropical.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Tropical_A.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Tropical_A_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S
\data\Env\EnvColors_Tropical_luv.cfg -D -A -W +S

Dynamic Environment SH5 Sleet For Winter Campaigns V2.1 conflicts with Dynamic Environment SH5 Basemod (realistic version) V2.1
\data\scene.dat -D -A -W +S

Dynamic Environmental SH5 Realistic Colors V2.1 conflicts with Dynamic Environment SH5 Basemod (realistic version) V2.1
\data\Filters\ColorCorrection\hdr_exterior.cfg -D -A -W -S
My question, then, based on the above passage highlighted in yellow, is how can we use this information to try to eliminate MOD conflicts.

Any help in understanding this would be most appreciated.
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