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Old 02-16-12, 02:31 AM   #12
Join Date: May 2004
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I understand Reign9's frustration but, being a hard-core simmer, I also hate arcadey "sims".

We're an exclusive lot. We like our sims to be realistic and immersive, and if that means going through the same frustrations that real skippers had to deal with, then that's a plus, not a minus. Our main problem with the initial version of SH5 was that it was too much like a game instead of a sim. The initial releases were like an arcade machine.

So we're a bit hostile to any suggestions about "dumbing it down".

Don't mistake that for hostility towards you though, Reign, it's just that we've all been trying to make it more realistic, not less. If that's not your type of game, that's fine. I have a bunch of games I play myself for a quick fix of action and I make no excuses for it, but this particular genre is where I go for that elusive "I'm pretty much there" feel.
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