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Old 02-14-12, 12:10 AM   #12
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Brand new campaign, Uboat Missions - Patrol 1 (So far)

Ordered to deliver supplies to Bangkok we head out to sea

And after an uneventful journey, we arrive. The weather was rather horrible, however.

We launched the boat, and headed upon our merry way

After we left Bangkok, instead of the typical "Do whatever you want....just please god stop calling us." Message I usually get from Command, they instead sent me a patrol sector and a demand of 5000 tons

Once again the journey was mostly uneventful (minus a scout plane, he ignored us though.) After arriving to our new patrol sector, we dive and begin to engage hunting operations.

After three stress-filled days of searching with no results. We finally get something on the sonar, it was pitch black and hard to see, but eventually a lone merchant emerged from the darkness

Not wanting to waste my precious torpedoes on a single undefended vessel, I opted instead for a more direct method of attack.

And of course it was not long before.....

First kill of the patrol, add 6000 tons to the log book.
On a final note, there was a single lifeboat in the water, but nobody aboard her, all crew members assumed lost.

Despite having filled our quota, we will patrol here for a couple more days to see if we have any more luck, if not we will request new orders from command and move on.

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