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Old 02-02-12, 03:33 AM   #31
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Husksubsky View Post
Now I tested with your test mission and it seem to work as purpoused. I put value to -15 again (GetContactDepth() >= -13) Felt weird that they could spot me with peri barly touching surface like they did when I put it to -17.
But what do they see actually? just periscope, or do they spot me like if I was surfaced when above this value? Can I cruise around at 15.5 meters and all is safe since I m to deep for shooting and too shallow for depthcharge? Anyways its a big step in the right directon thx
Thanks for the good report! Glad that you got it working!

your picture say GetContactDepth() >= -13 and you describe GetContactDepth() >= -15..just a little adjust for liking?
Exactly. It's a small mistake, I've been testing what is the best depth value, right now using 15 meters.

SO now Im curious what this value does: ContactPresenceIs(PRESENCE_SENSORS, 15)
This is how I think it goes: If a enemy ship has located you with sensors (it can be any sensor: visual, hydro, sonar, radar) it can open fire if the other condition (GetContactDepth() >= -13) is true also. So it doesn't even need to see you, if dd's sensors show that you are nearby in periscope depth, it will try to shoot you down. There is also a script called ContactPresenceIs(PRESENCE_LOOKOUT, 0) which makes the ships attack you only when the see you visually, but I thought the current is more interesting and challenging. Not 100 % sure which is more historically accurate.

What makes things complicated is that the escorts react always in a different way. Some tests go just beutifully, like you would except, but sometimes escorts do something stupid, like shoot at themselves. Can't figure out why the escorts sometimes continue attacking you even if the script conditions are false. I guess they just want to sink you that badly!

Can I cruise around at 15.5 meters and all is safe since I m to deep for shooting and too shallow for depthcharge?
I think IRAI makes the escorts depthcharge you even if in periscope depth. I'm pretty sure I have witnessed this in my tests.

By the way, I did a long campaign play yesterday with this and had fun with Norwegian destroyer that I mistakenly thought as a neutral unit. I just cruised in periscope depth but then cannon shells started to hit the water breaking the radio and radar. I dove immediately and it stopped the shooting and started to drop depthcharges. It was like an angry bee!
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