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Old 11-21-11, 03:30 PM   #217
Black Magic
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Originally Posted by Ekmek View Post
First off - Great Work!

I apologize if this has been asked (I haven't gone throug the 15 pages of this thread yet). But is it possible to get a GR2 exported into something that Blender can import. I saw that exporting to OBJ is in work. Does that include Bones and meshes?


EDIT: I do het an error that says:

Info header tag value expected to be 0x80000032

When I try to open a Civ5 GR2 file
Yes you will get that error on non-SH5 GR2 files currently. I have it 'locked' to only SH5 GR2 file format for the time being. If I can get everything working with SH5 files then making it work with everything else should be easier. Key word being should.
Right now working on something that I flagged for follow-up that I forgot about. It deals with bone bindings or more specifically mesh to bone bindings. Each mesh is assigned (bound) to a bone in the GR2 files. I went back and reviewed this section of my code and found that I wasn't setting the transform for the mesh before rendering it. So I adjusted the code to set the transform to the bound bone then rendering the mesh and it totally screwed up everything. The meshes were all in the incorrect places. Now I have to figure out how this bone binding is supposed to work
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