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Old 11-21-11, 01:00 AM   #3805
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One reads all these reports of success and daring-do and then there is the latest from U-743 Lt z S Randomizer commanding...

Departed Trondheim 5 August 1944 on a fifty-day patrol to AM53. Late afternoon on the 6th, while running surfaced in poor weather spotted what I initially identified as a 1000 GRT Coastal Vessel. Remained unseen, plotted an intercept course and once in position dived and commenced attacking with what seemed to be a perfect set up.

Range 2000m, Fired Tube II, electric G7e T3 set for 6m with magnetic exploder. Missed.

Set up again range 1100, fired Tube I electric G7e T3 set for 6m with magnetic exploder. Missed again.

Set up for the third time, re-checked the target ID and determined target was a 112 ton motor vessel not a much larger Coastal vessel... My ranges were way off so the shots all missed aft of the target I presume.

Surfaced and shot it apart with the 37mm gun having wasted two torpedoes over 1000 km from the North Channel. Not my finest SH3 moment ever but my first ever gun kill with a Type VIIC.
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