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Old 08-02-11, 01:38 AM   #216
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Originally Posted by serezha View Post
After installing version 2.5 the game began to crash down at the initial loading.
Hi Serezha,

just a few days ago Runnybabbit had a similar problem

He posted a few days later with his solution:

Hi all,

I've been wanting to reply for the last 4 days, but couldn't due to a problem with my email changeover (new service provider necessitated change, so I went with a free address with Only when I tried swapping it for my old one, then back again, did it work. Until then I've been unable to post or even check my own profile.. Never mind, all sorted now..

Right! My problem with CTD's on the loading screen were of my own making.

To cure it, I completely uninstalled the whole game (drastic, I know!), with the help of Revo Uninstaller, to get every last bit off the hard drive and registry.

I then reinstalled the game, rebooted, installed the 1.4 patch, rebooted, installed the U-boat add on to bring it to 1.5, rebooted, WDAD, rebooted, WDAD patch, rebooted, and finally, the BMC, rebooted.

Held my breath, started the game, and... PERFECT!!

This has been worth waiting for, it plays very very well. Hats off to all that have had a hand in developing this in their own time, I am so very grateful, as I am to all that offered suggestions to my problems.

Not necessarily the same problem, but I haven't had any crashes in my computer while developing and testing for a long time, and while I don't discard that some random situation might lead to a crash, this would mostly be loading the mission or inside the game, not while the initial loading.

Remember that 2.5, as was 2.0, is a standalone version. If you had any of the previous versions you have to remove it before installing the new one.

Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
British voices yet? Including an authentic "Action Stations!" in lieu of battle stations?
No, Sir. This is only a campaign.
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