Thread: Aod vs CAod
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Old 07-25-11, 07:26 PM   #9
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I'm going to go ahead and chime in here.

I own both AoD and CAoD, and I can say that I much prefer regular AoD over the Command version.

CAoD seems to have some benefits over the slightly older AoD, but it really was a regression of sorts. Several aspects of game play suffer, such as the audio glitches that have already been mentioned.

The one bug that got me to totally throw it away was that the game totally crashed when you tried to program a "T IIIa FAT II (G7e) Pattern Running Torpedo" (What a mouthful!). The advantages of this weapon are totally lost if you cannot program the weapon's initial turn.

Command: Aces of the Deep was a bit of an afterthought. It was given a quick once-over to make it compatible with post-DOS systems, and the haste involved showed in the final product. If you have the ability to run the original Aces of the Deep, then do it. The original game is a much better piece of software.

Also, I am not sure how informed you are about the game and the available fixes. Make sure to visit the downloads section and grab a copy of the Patch and the Expansion. Install the Expansion first and then install the patch. This will add the ability to enter the Med and will make the type XXI available in the final months of the war. (If only I could get one of those earlier!)

Happy Hunting.
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