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Old 06-29-11, 09:17 AM   #159
Posts: n/a

Good idea with the Ro-43. I'll see what can be done about it.

As per the patrol zones: once you finish your first patrol orders you should send a situation report and then you should be ordered another patrol zone. The thing is that after this second set of orders they always send you back to base. I don't know why, if you have enough fuel and torpedoes, you don't get a third patrol area, but I always get two of them for sure.

Knowing that, for the moment, Malta subs only get assigned missions in the Central Mediterranean (between Crete and the Sicily Channel), the Alexandria flotilla subs in the East (long-ranged T-Class also in the Center) and the Gibraltar flotilla boats to the west of the Sicily Channel. I know it is not 100% satisfactory, and I will probably change this in the future by rearranging the objectives.

The Aegean waters are open to British subs in Alexandria after the German invasion of the Balkans (except the Dodecanese Islands, which are available as a patrol zone from the very beginning), and Syrian waters only when Op. Exporter is on (June-July 1941).

I wasn't exactly sure what was the British behaviour against Vichy French units in the time frame between Mers-el-Kebir and the invasion of Southern France by the Germans. In game they are considered enemies, and can be sunk if found, but I hadn't added a proper patrol area in Southern France (I did a few days ago, after finding evidence that indeed there were) or North African waters. It wouldn't be hard to add patrol areas for Oran, Algiers and Tunis.
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