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Old 06-27-11, 11:49 PM   #572
Ocean Warrior
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Nisgeis ran into camp breathlessly shouting “Hello?! Anyone?! Is it too late? I know what we must do now!!” Finding no one immediately around, he runs to the Oberst’s office and bursts in. “Oberst! Forgive me, but I…”. Nisgeis stopped dead as he saw the blood soaked remains on the bed. “NO! NO! NO! This cannot be! I am too late! Curse my stupidity… my arrogance! What a fool I was to think I could bottle the devil! May the good Lord forgive me.”

Nisgeis ran back into the courtyard and shouted out “Forces of evil I will destroy you with my faith! You cannot hide! You cannot run! God gives me the strength and I shall smite you all down!”

Nisgeis then ran through the castle searching for any survivors. The first person he found was Rear. He grabbed him by the lapels and shouted “It’s not too late! We can still do it!” his eyes wide with intensity “Who else? Who else was killed? Oh Lord, how long did it take for my eyes to open? Was it a day? Two? A Week? If it is a week, then… all is lost! Is it too late? No, stop!” He looked away at the ground and frowned. “Think man!” he said to himself, “Use your head. Think!”

Nisgeis rubbed one hand on his face, feeling his stubble. “Not much more than a day or two’s growth” he looked up and smiled brightly “We CAN do it!”. “WHO IS LEFT!? You MUST tell me!”

Nisgeis calmed after being told that there has been only one more death since his departure and that one of the beasts has been destroyed. “That is very bad, but also we have a great chance now. We must work together to destroy the evil that has befallen us.”

“Yes, we must organise and I must get cleaned up, I am in no fit state to talk to anyone.” Nisgeis seemed to come to his senses and for the first time he seemed to recognise Hauptmann Rear and looked at his hands. “I’m sorry” he said as he released Rear’s lapels. “I’m going to get myself cleaned up.” He turned and walked away wearily, with his head down.
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