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Old 04-29-11, 06:37 PM   #78
frau kaleun
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You know what else is weird?

I went in and started trying to play with different settings for the display again, and now when I choose to extend my desktop across the monitor and the HDTV - which gave me NO problems before - I get all kinds of weird flickering on the monitor (but not the tv screen) when I'm moving stuff around, including the mouse cursor.

If I choose to duplicate the displays I get the weird flickering on the tv screen but not the monitor. I know they have different native resolutions but I could swear I used both setups before with no problems because I've had extended desktop where I watched a DVD that was in the computer's DVD drive on the tv screen while having other stuff up on the computer monitor.

I feel like there's some setting in CCC for the GPU that I'm missing or getting wrong but I keep trying different things and nothing works.
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