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Old 12-15-10, 08:43 AM   #147
Silent Hunter
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Yes, I realize the paths, names, and syntax must be correct.

This is the script I used before:

import string
#read savegame. Change the directory on the next line to point to in your saved game directory.
f=open("C:\\Users\\Owner\\Documents\\SH4\\data\\cf g\\SaveGames\\0000000d\\",'r')
#find lat & Lon in the file
start = content.find("Waypoint")
longst = content.find("Pt0=",start)
longnd = content.find(",",longst)
latnd = content.find(",",longnd+1)
print start
print longst
print longnd
print latnd
#convert to dec deg
longitude = float(content[longst+4:longnd])/120000
latitude = float(content[longnd+1:latnd])/120000
#get date&time (input)
date = raw_input('GMT yyyy/mm/dd :')
time = raw_input('GMT hh:mm :')
#Write startup script. Change the next line to suit for your Stellarium startup script.
stella=open("C:\\Games\\Stellarium\\scripts\\start up.ssc",'w')
stella.write("date utc "+date+"T"+time+":00\n")
stella.write("moveto lon "+str(longitude)+"\n")
stella.write("moveto lat "+str(latitude)+"\n")
stella.write("script action end\n")
#now open stellarium and take your star sights wrote to startup.ssc file:

date utc 2001/01/01T23:59:00
moveto lon 120.01051
moveto lat 14.5458591667
script action end

The problem was Stellarium program did not use the values in the file. It is a new version, 10.6.1 and I have no way of knowing what the correct format and such.

I also tried another Python script based on what you posted:

#read savegame. Change the directory on the next line to point to in your saved game directory.
savedgame = "C:\\Users\\Owner\\Documents\\SH4\\data\\cfg\\Save Games\\0000000d\\"
# read savegame.

#Set the Stellarium directory
stellocation = "C:\\Games\\Stellarium"

#find lat & Lon in the file
start = content.find("Waypoint")
longst = content.find("Pt0=",start)
longnd = content.find(",",longst)
latnd = content.find(",",longnd+1)
print start
print longst
print longnd
print latnd
#convert to dec deg
longitude = float(content[longst+4:longnd])/120000
latitude = float(content[longnd+1:latnd])/120000

#get date&time (input)
date = raw_input('GMT yyyy/mm/dd :')
time = raw_input('GMT hh:mm :')

# set the ocean label
if (-90 < longitude <= 30):
ocean = "Atlantic Ocean"
elif (30 < longitude <= 105):
ocean = "Indian Ocean"
elif (longitude <= -90 or longitude > 105):
ocean = "Pacific Ocean"

#Write startup script. Change the next line to suit for your Stellarium startup script.
date = date.replace('/', ':')
longitude = str(longitude)
latitude = str(latitude)
stella=open(stellocation + "\\scripts\\sh4.ssc",'w')
stella.write("core.setDate(\""+date+"T"+time+":00\ ")\n")
stella.write("core.setObserverLocation("+longitude +", "+latitude+", 2, 0, \"SH4 Navigation Point, "+ ocean +"\", \"earth\")");

#now open stellarium and take your star sights
prog = "start /d \""+ stellocation +"\" stellarium.exe --startup-script sh4.ssc"
sys.exit() doesn't request inputs for date and time, doesn't start Stellarium, and doesn't write to sh4.ssc.

I don't know what else to try at this point.
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