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Old 11-10-10, 09:27 PM   #5
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mikka, virtual machine software such as VMWare is another option, but personally I don't think it is a good one.

If you wanted to play DW on a Mac using a VM you would need to purchase DW, VMWare (or an equivalent) and Windows XP. DW is inexpensive nowadays, but VMWare and Windows are not. I don't have the exact prices on hand, but I am sure they are anything but ideal.

I don't think it is worth it to pay for VMWare and Windows just play a game. Especially when it will run as well, or even better, with Wine. Wine is free, and it works.

Another thing to take into consideration would be the system resources that virtualization requires. I know that in my case, it is not a always a viable option with my under-powered hardware. (I'm a broke college student with a 1.60 GHz CPU, 1.0 GiB of RAM and no real GPU to speak of, what can I do?)

I have run DW from a Windows XP VM using VirtualBox and I did not find it to be suitable. The game lagged so terribly that simple actions such a pressing buttons were a painful process. And forget about working out a TMA solution on a target with a lagging pointer. It was simply a mess. Maybe those of you who can afford a decent computer will have better results, I wouldn't hold my breath though.

My humble advice to the OP would be to try Wine first, if that doesn't work then, as a last resort, try it out with virtualization software such as VMWare.

As for me, I am much happier running DW with Wine.
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