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Old 10-24-10, 03:02 AM   #2
Eternal Patrol
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Long Island, New York...home of the 5 gallon economy bucket of "Cruiser's Crunchy Egg Salad"!!!
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Ad.....Old timers like us don't die.....we just get lost in the clutter!!

Dust us off, wipe us down once in awhile and we're good to go!!

Geez....good seeing all of you guys still around.

Male.....Don't put anything past Rog's monkey. That brazen 'lil idgit would do anything for a Scooby Snack!!

Kirk......I'll bet ya that's where Roger still is!! He shoulda known better than to order the "RagunCajun" version of my Holiday Egg-Crunchster!!
Remind me to send him a complimentary tube of our official "Butt-Paste". Should help put out the fires......

I miss the old days. It seems like these newest versions of SH don't have what we had with the whole SH2 vs. DC thing. Now THAT was fun!! I miss my old tin can, that's for sure. Being able to play two different games within the same group of people...the loyalty to our chosen vessels, above or below the waterline....and just the whole "us against them" was too much fun. Even the "cherry picking" arguements had their moment. Ah well....time marches on, I 'spose.

Stay well, troops. I'll be baaaaaaaaaack...........

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