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Old 08-11-10, 07:13 PM   #96
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Default Hey there.

Ah...the green button. I should pay more attention. Sorry.
I tried the green button. Works.

The RAOBF I did works but only at 1080P for the 16:10
and all the other aspect ratios only work at 1440x900.
Hmmm. I'm using 1440 x 900 and I have tried all of the aspect ratio patches you uploaded. 8x5--5x4--4x3--16x9. I wasn't able to just enable them through JSGME either, I had to replace the .cam file in your mod to get them to go into effect. But of course (though in desperation anything is worth a try) anything but 8x5 (16x10) was just screwy as hell, since (now I know) 1440x900 is a 16x10 aspect ratio. 1440/900=1.6. Duh. So--at 1440x900 (at least on my computer) none of the aspect ratios are working, meaning, not giving accurate range or AOB calculations.

1. Create a file for each resolution and aspect ratio
2. Redo the entire Mod using the stock method of scalling and lose some resolution in the graphics end.
Surely the former would be less work than the latter? Don't know, I've never made a .cam file, but no time like the present to learn I guess, which brings me to your final suggestion:

Maybe another solution that would help with choise 1 is show what values need changing in the file and let the user's create files for the resolution and aspect ration they are using.
Sounds good. I really like your mod. In fact, much as I love TDW's UI, there are features of yours that I prefer. I like the clean look of it. I like the Target Lock button (don't like using the space bar) and the Scope Filters. The RAOBF looks very nice, and other than the calibration problem, it functions very smoothly (although it would be nice to be able to fully rotate it clockwise as well as counter clockwise). I'm getting used to using your officer command system--although occasionally I'll miss a feature, like Return to Course. I've been so busy fiddling with the RAOBF that your mod has a lot of features I haven't explored yet. So, until I thoroughly field test them, better that I not offer any comment. Anyway, your mod is comparatively very clean, until you open the Attack Scope where all the gadgets are. One thing, I wish it were possible to scoot the TDC panels a little farther to the side--shrink 'em a little as they crowd the scope on my screen. Anyway, I digress.

Point is, if you can provide the information I need, I'll fix the .cam file myself. If I can get one to work perfectly for me, I'll make it available to everyone. I'm pretty obsessive and I have a lot of time on my hands. Is any special software necessary?

edit--OK, the Goblin Editor. Already looking for a tutorial on how to use the dang thing...

edit--OK, Silent 3ditor, got it, trying to figure out which values govern the size of the scope gradicules...looking at 85 CameraParams...yes, it is 5:22 AM on a Thursday morning.

Last edited by nodlew; 08-12-10 at 04:22 AM.
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