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Old 07-06-10, 12:33 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by TLAM Strike View Post
yea sure, explain why the US Atlas V rockets use Russian Proton Engines? Or why the Russian moonship the Soyuz is still flying as the shuttle is about to bite the dust?
- First think about lamentable end of such thing like...Buran.

- Second you should know after USSR's collapse US also robbed Russkies from some interesting pieces of Soviet technology for testing or their own use. Nothing strange here because in few selected areas Soviets possessed good stuff.

- Third think about MIR space station's fate and who was sending in outer space so called "space tourists" and why.

A Ukrainian firm Antonov is about to drop it hat in the the ring for the USAF's new tanker. Politics will dictate that they don't get it but Antonov heavy lift aircraft are just as good if not better than our Lockheed C-5s. In fact the An-124 ships a lot of US and European aircraft and space gear around like the Centaur stage of the aforementioned Atlas V.
Yes, An-124 is as good as C-5 but unfortunately it appeared 25 years later. Well, another example of Russian lead in the way Russkies still cannot produce powerful high-bypass turbofans engines because the sole such engine's producer - a "Motor-Sich" factory - remained on Ukraine. Well, US designed such engines during C-5 program about 45 years ago and now third generation of HBR engines is in use in the West.

Last edited by Gorshkov; 07-06-10 at 12:51 PM.
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