Thread: OM vs GWX
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Old 06-25-10, 07:36 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Way back the SH4 Modders took a stance against anything GWX!
If you were a GWX Member?
You were hated and dismissed,
Talked about in Secrect hidden forum areas,
And options were discussed about how to stop the GWX Team with legal actions!

Now it's almost demanded that GWX for SH4 is revived.
Seeing the total failure of SH5 has brought this about, I'm sure.

I'll say this and those involved will understand!

I worked long and hard in many areas.
Some areas would disable the Fleet Boat stuff.
(That was the legal threat!)
But it could be adapted for Fleet Boat only!

I also crossed the line by adapting some Hard Code.
Again, Fleet Boat Guys could have had a feild day with this approach!

I, and the whole Team, were spit on from day one.
And to this day!
When someone ask permissions for something we have done that they want,
They refuse to credit the GWX Team.

So why should we assist in any manor or mean?

It's not that I can't.
It's just that I won't.