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Old 06-25-10, 07:01 AM   #1
Navy Seal
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Just a gentle reminder, I get a LOT of PMs and emails from players seeking support on specific mods for specific games.

I can only provide support for setting up and using JSGME. I do not, and cannot, explain what "Mark's Carby Tweaks" mod does, why "BFNMPP v1.3" keeps crashing your game with error 0x0e890a57 after you press the F7 key, or which folders within a mod you need to enable to get the three dials option instead of the two. You need to direct those types of questions to the mod author.

Also, if your game suddenly starts crashing after installing a mod, DISABLE THE MOD, then ensure that you have the mod folder structure correctly set as per the JSGME User Guide and the mod author's instructions (particularly the latter). If everything is in order and your problem persists when you re-enable the mod, you will need to consult the mod author directly as your problem will most likely be either with that mod, or your combination of enabled mods.

Following the above will most likely see you up and running much quicker than waiting for upwards of 24 hours for me to essentially tell you to consult the mod author.

It will also help free me up to focus on feature requests, bug reports, questions surrounding User Guide contents and other JSGME-related questions.
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