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Old 06-14-10, 02:11 PM   #7
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Yes currently in stock targeting and well everything bar the graphics are a let down.
As TDW said with mods you can make the recognition manual is abit more managable .
Why the Devs got rid of a perfeclt good UI Interface with SH3/4 I'll never know, granted they went with a minimilistic UI - but what good is it if you can't do anything .

Hence the reason I started butchering the stock Ui to get it back to a more fimiliar SH3/4 and 5 Hybrid (Trying to get the best of all worlds ).

Here's a quick look at the Periscope and Recognition Manual. (Can be closed and dragged out of the way.)
Like in previous Silent Hunters I've got the Manual to display 0 degrees and 45 degrees view's of the ships as well as 90 degrees in stock.

And the new type Officer Orders in development.

Hopefully in time I'll get to the Sh3/4 feel ingame. I think its getting close
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