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Old 05-13-10, 09:03 PM   #7871
Silent Hunter
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A new career with Leutnant zS Richard Kopp. It's late 1940, and I want to do as much damage as possible before the Allies step up their game.

Sinking the HMS Loch Monteith with gunfire while in the approaches to the Channel. After a brief gunfight, most of her crew escaped and she sank bow first.

Survivors of the Loch Monteith.

Continuing the vendetta against RN patrol craft, I sank an MTB with 20mm fire...

An ASW Trawler was dispatched to rescue survivors of the sinkings and search for my U-Boat.

I escaped and sank a 77-ton Fishing Ketch and a medium merchant (seen here).

Survivor interviews established it was the "Stella Lykes", a US C-2 on loan to the British. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew of 40, who managed to launch one boat and a life ring or two. After offering provisions and a bearing to the Cornish Coast, submerged in a hurry to avoid any more patrols.

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