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Old 04-06-10, 12:25 AM   #652
Sea Lord
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Ok (beta testing) Kameraden
I e-mailed out the link for update #3, this has some revisions that I hope
will speed things up a bit. Also the T34 tasks are finished.
I moved the Sturm Zug to the west about two kilometers from you. This
Sturm Zug has the 2 Nashorns,3 Stug-Gs,3 SturmHabitzs and 5 Pz III/L60s
Removed about half of the Heavy Guns with their personnel.
I wanted to mention that it still runs to slow on my (2.6Duo Cpu) computer.
My new HD4770 video card bump up the frame rate to 3-5 fps and I lost
the capability to edit the missions in the editor so that is why this update
took so long. I had to reposition every thing by editing line by line.
Although I have some good news: I bought a new 3.0Ghz CPU back in
December 09 and I finally ordered a new MB, should be here April 7.
The model is a Asus P5Q PRO Turbo and it should work with my 775 pin
CPU. Anyway progress is being made and soon things will get back to normal.
I want alert all members to prepare to download a big file of 367mgs when
the beta testing is done. This new file will replace all the previous ZW
releases and will make the job of further mission addons just under 6mgs
per mission and I think you will like that. Oh, btw it takes 3 hours to
upload that 367mg file to my site. So it has to be right.

Best regards Kameraden and thanks for your patients


The Sturm Haubitz

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