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Old 04-05-10, 06:36 AM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2010
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I currently have Haramirs Sensor Mod as well as Haramirs Escorts Self-Awareness Mod enabled. It seems to me that Haramirs mods work great and have vastly improved the challenge in my game. However, its not the enemy AI or sensor ranges that I have an issue with. The issue at hand lies in what happens once the enemy attacks you and scores. For the most part I have either been unscathed or annihilated, this really makes the whole ships compartments damage model and the whole repair function essentially a waste of time. Why worry about it if you either get away or sink every time its 50/50. I'm not sure if Haramirs mods address this issue although I may be wrong. Either way I still think it needs work and fine tuning.
God damn them all. I was told, we'd cruise the seas for American gold. We'd fire no guns, shed no tears. Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier.
The last of Barrett's privateers.

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