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Old 03-11-10, 11:58 AM   #920
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Snestorm
18%?! Look at all that tonnage!

How about bringing it up a few notches?
Your tonnage figures say that you are MORE than ready.

Besides, the higher the "Realism", the more Renown.
Isn't it time for SH3 to give you a pay raise?

Oh! Your new avatar is cool.
I may check off a few more realism options when I finish this next patrol, just to see what happens. There are some in there I could probably manage to survive at this point, lol. I just wish I could find some warships to sink! I get contact reports and occasionally one shows up on the hydrophones, but always too far away and going too fast in the wrong direction for me to catch up to. Either that or I'm on the way home and already out of eels. And only one convoy so far, didn't do very well with it so I'd love another shot at that.

Re: avatar - thanks! I really like it.

Originally Posted by Henry Wood
Oh boy! You sound like a Kaleun after my own heart. I am hopeless with the torpedo calculations so I also love Mr. Triangle! I have been reading your posts with great interest and I would like to thank you for listing all the mods you use. This is a great help to people like me who kind of know how to play the game but are not sure which mods to use.
I am still getting used to using all the tools for following contacts on the map and trying to estimate their courses and plot intercepts. Using Color Contacts means they're identified as enemy/friendly/neutral so I'm not spending any time trying to sneak up on ships only to find out I can't sink them, lol. It helps a lot. Eventually I want to get more realism and maybe even try manual targeting. Mostly it's about learning patience! I lost two potentially huge kills last patrol by rushing in. A large merchant and big tanker sailing one right behind the other, no escorts. Got impatient and was spotted long before I got close enough to have a decent shot. Also since I'm mostly getting lone merchants, I'm trying to discipline myself to stick to "one ship, one torpedo," knowing I can take even the bigger ones out with the guns once I've slowed them down, even the flak gun if necessary.

Thank you for all of your interesting posts.
*blushes demurely*

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