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Old 03-02-10, 06:25 PM   #142
Sailor man
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Post patch I still have some issues.

- Can't man the deck gun from the conning tower, even though the "interact" icon pops up. I have to climb down the side to man it.

- When I DO manage to man the deck gun, there's no gunsight of any kind, no crosshairs and no optics, even though the manual says there should be.

- ...and if I let the gun crew do the shooting, they never stop! I can't tell them to cease fire, nor un-man the gun!

- I can't send any radio messages to report convoys, or send patrol reports. As a matter of fact my radio station is completely non-functional - nothing is clickable at all - even though the manual says that I should be able to do these things from there.

- Observation periscope is still up when I start a patrol.

- Still no way to find out the depth under the keel.

- Letting the crew do the torpedo settings is very un-intuitive, I'm never sure just what I have to do to give them a good solution. Leading the target with the periscope seems to work, but should I really have to do that if the crew fed the correct data into the computer? I ended up doing the "Q&A" method, giving the XO the readings in the dialog - is that the only way to do it manually? Isn't there a torpedo computer like in the earlier games?

- Is it just me, or do the british planes fly almost exclusively at night? I rarely see an airplane during the day, but at night there's heaps of airplanes all the time!

- Leaving the binoculars still turns off mouse view control, so I have to right click again to get it back.

- No way to set the course, other than setting a new waypoint. Would be very nice if holding down ctrl (for advanced controls) would also show a compass rose, or strip type compass that you could click to set a heading.

- My crewmen seem to report contacts as "Ship, course 135", when they mean "Ship, bearing 135", at least in german. Haven't tried in english.

On the plus side, I spotted a british sub off the Scottish coast! Gunned him for a bit with the 88, until he dove to get away. That was very cool!

Last edited by Rickenbacker; 03-02-10 at 06:40 PM.
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