Thread: Damn it!
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Old 02-17-10, 04:53 AM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default Oh No!

Oh NO Chucky! I can´t believe it! It´s akin to wanting a child for 20 years, getting pregnant and then once the baby is born giving him up for adoption!

What are you going to do with your new Nvidia????

Oh well graphic cards are like girl friends, you look for something new with better - hem - graphics and then once you find onethey give you nothing but trouble and you realise after a couple of weeks you were better off with the old one....

ZW, Off topic, Friedrich Wilhelm and I were exchanging views and commiserating about your new AI... Hem it´s too good now those wingmen of your kill everything in sight and leave us table scraps. Hem perhaps after Kursk someething can be done to make them less aggressive, buoyant, gung ho, rambo whatever the adequate word is to describe their mad rush to glory...I have to confess to shooting my wingmen and trying to disable-cripple them at the beginning of a game to prevent them from rampaging and killing everything in sight.I am risking court martial but hey
I want glory too

Which shows the old Chinese curse is true¨Be careful what you wish for because you máy get it


from an unemployed Tiger commander soon to be on furlough and recovering from his wounded pride....
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