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Old 12-27-09, 12:48 AM   #7405
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
Hey laaaady (sorry, couldn't resist).

Great first shot! You do know that with Num Lock+Numpad Del you can remove those annoying order bars from the screen?
Does this mean I hit those two keys together while playing, and the stuff disappears, then I take the screenshot? If so, how do I get the order bars back afterward?

As for the Flak training, with GWX you get the full 1500 renown for passing just the Navigation Training.
Well, that's awesome, thanks. I was only going through the Academy again to get renown anyway, especially with the flak gun exam since extra training there seemed kinda pointless. 'Cause as TarJak said, I was already assuming that the heightened realism in GWX was probably going to make any encounter with enemy planes really, really unpleasant, even early in the war, which was indeed obvious once I tried it in the Academy. In game play just like it was in RL it seems like the only sensible thing is to dive and get the heck out of there if you can.
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