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Old 11-29-09, 04:50 PM   #1
Silent Hunter
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Default Can anyone recomend some good Anti Virus software?

As the topic title suggests I am looking for some good Anti-Virus software to replace AVG free, as the AVGRS.exe process has recently decided it needs 80% of my CPU resources, even when AVG is Idle. I have trawled the web and it seems there is no simple solution for this problem. other than kill/disable the process.
So i figured I will jump ship and trash AVG.

I am Looking for replacement AV software that is either Cheap or free and does a reasonable job, viruses dont bother me too much since I ghost
my system drive every month or so. So if i get something truley nasty, i will simply recover from the last image.

Anyway, all recomendations welcome - apart from Norton and McAffee, (I hate them both - for reasons too long and boring to explain here)

Thanks guys
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