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Old 08-12-09, 06:52 PM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Dear Precious Friends,

I wish I could meet each and every one of you and say thank you eye to eye for your heartfelt writings and pictures for my dad. Thank you Neal, Adm. Von Gerlach, John Barber, SunValleySlim, WildHawkeII, Gunfighter...and on and on and on. You lift us up, all of you.

Here is another fun Dad story. Happened in Guantanamo Bay...Baby Kate somehow forgot I spent a year down there. I had been 2 years to college (Kate was still in high school there terrorizing the base) and I came down there for a year...I mean, it was paradise for us girls and I didn't want to miss an opportunity like that. It was Christmas and sister Jane and I were having a party for all the college kids that were home for the holiday. Well, that same time Bob Hope, Neal Armstrong, and Charlie Pride we're coming in for a USO show on the base. Neal and Charlie got in a day early, Dad picked them up from the airport and apparently said "Hey guys, there's not too much going on tonight, but 2 of my girls are having a college party and you're welcome to come over to our place and hang out". They said "sure, why not". The party was outside, warm breezes, of course a beautiful bay view, stellar sunsets...and in walks Dad with these 2 guys. We girls were giddy to say the least. We had a live band that was pretty darn bad, but we didn't care. Charlie asked if they would mind if he joined them...and sang 'Kiss an Angel Good Mornin'. It was so cooool!!! The guys in the band couldn't believe it, neither could we. Dad was just standing back and watching how happy it made everyone. Then Neal Armstrong kept pointing at the moon, and talked to many of us about his moonwalk (not like Michael Jackson's). I remember his saying how much he loved golf and how much he played whenever he could...and then he said something that made everyone take note...."As far as I know, I'm the only guy that left his balls on the moon". That pretty much brought the house down and we rocked till the wee hours of the morning. Dad loved to dance and we loved having Mom and him at our party, dancing with all of us. We all have such special memories from there. And they will never be forgotten.

God bless you all,


Last edited by peggy; 08-13-09 at 09:42 PM.
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