Thread: Real Clothes
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Old 07-24-09, 03:59 PM   #29
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Yes thats realy strangely! I've checked the CrewMembers3D file hundred of times, but the crew still wear their normal clothes


; Hot Weather
CrewMemberBodyPart9= Hot, Headgear, #Normal, 0.5, NULL
CrewMemberBodyPart10= Hot, Headgear, NULL, 1, NULL
CrewMemberBodyPart11= Hot, Torso, bustg_05, 1, NULL
CrewMemberBodyPart12= Hot, Torso, bustg_01, 1, bustg_md01.tga, bustg_md01 (2).tga, bustg_md01 (3).tga
CrewMemberBodyPart13= Hot, Legs, pantalonig_01, 1, #Normal
; Cold Weather
CrewMemberBodyPart14= Cold, Headgear, #Normal, 1, NULL
CrewMemberBodyPart15= Cold, Headgear, sapcag_fes#Head, 1, NULL
CrewMemberBodyPart16= Cold, Torso, bustg_04, 1, bustg_md04.tga, bustg_md04 (2).tga
CrewMemberBodyPart17= Cold, Legs, pantalonig_01, 1, NULL

The "bustg_04" are the grey and black jackets, "bustg_05" = nacked body and "bustg_01" are the shirts.
So everything is correctly. On rain they're dressed right.
I wish I could find the mistake!
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