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Old 07-07-09, 08:19 AM   #105
Uber Gruber
Posts: n/a

The following is my initial post to Jimbuna, along with your reply.

Originally Posted by Uber Gruber

Will you be continuing your role as the "Public Face" of GWX ?

I do hope so as it is a position you excel at and certainly does wonders for the GWX team image.

Nope, Uber Gruber. Your stuck with me and you'll just have to live with it.

Good to see you're as cheerful and positive as ever!

Now be a good troll and run along.
Which prompted me to write "Oh dear...etc".

You then follow with:

and now that Uber Gruber has reaffirmed his love for me...

< He likes to poke me with a sharp stick now and then to remind me. Unfortunately for him... I like girls. >
No what worries me here is that you seem to think that my initial post to Jimuna was an attack on you personaly. You then go on to suggest you like girls, thus adding an unknown sexual dimension to the matter. I have to say KL I am quite worried by your attitude here, it borders on Paranoia my dear friend. I think if you check under your bed you wont find me there..... honest, go check.

Jimbuna has done an excellent job replying to people's posts in this topic, always open and honest and helpfull. Surely he deserves to be commended on his mature approach to posters questions and certainly acts as a great ambassador for GWX.

Quite why you would like to benign the complement with a personal rant about persecution of a dubious sexual nature is beyond me.....and quite frankly a tad disturbing.

Oh well, each to their own I suppose. Now back to the topic of how great GWX 4 will be.