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Old 06-20-09, 12:30 PM   #18
Cold War Boomer
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Originally Posted by joegrundman View Post
yeah, you just got to roll with those sorts of blows in Clancy books.

this is not the problem. The cloaking device will not affect passive sonar at all. It will curve active sonar around the hull.

So it will have a bigger effect on active sonar homing torpedoes and helos trying to finish off the sub long after initial detection, and also giving the submarine a much better chance to get away.

This because most vessels rely on passive for inital detection, although i remember reading that due to the increased quitness of modern submarines, general use of active is increasing.
Joe knows more than he's telling ... I can tell you one thing when another nuc passes you all you can hear is a hissing sound. You need sound frequecy detection gear to analize the source to tell what country she's from.

You woudn't believe how much noise a boomer makes. Not a watch would go by without hearing one of those big walk in freezer doors being slammed while sitting on sonar or even one time the diesel boat I was on had a crew members tape player grounded to the hull and the destroyer above making request for songs to be played.

This was forty years ago of course, but crews have to learn to be more careful especially when your life is on the line.

It's those pesky ASW planes with mad detection that will get you every time unless you hear him first and try to wiggle away with a deep all out run that is.
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