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Old 06-08-09, 02:31 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by CaptainHaplo View Post
Be smart - buy a PC - tweak it out will all the goodies - hook it up to your bigscreen in your living room - and play any game you want..... PS, 360, Nintendo, whatever.

Its called emulation - and it works great. Only issue with it really is I don't think they have one for N's Wii yet because of the different style of control input. Could be wrong. I don't stay on top of the emulation scene.

But do it wit an emulator, and you can run just about everything - with more than enough horsepower to spare. Just buy the game - don't worry about the platform.
That has to be the funniest POS I've read all day.

Prepare to be dumbfounded by stats and then tell me how a PC CPU can handle PS3 emulation considering the only way to emulate a PS3 BR game is by mimicking it's BIOS.

There are eight SPE's (Synergistic Processor Elements) - each of them is as powerful as a stand alone single core pentium P.C. - with one very large difference - they are vector processors, which allows them to do the work of a GPU as well. This is deliberate as the CELL was designed primarily for handling floating point calculations in order to produce HD graphics. Each SPE is also (clearly) capable of handling all the other types of calculations that are required.

In the PS3 CELL - 7 are active and one is redundant (Because they use a GPU).

6 SPE's are used for calculation - 1 is reserved for handling network traffic. That is the normal configuration - but all of that can be changed through software.

The 7 SPE's are assigned packets of work from the PPE - which is a 64 bit Power mac chip (basically). Its job is to split all Data down into individual packets and assign them to different SPE's who all work on them AT ONCE.

The GPU is also assigned DATA packages from the PPE (usually after an SPE has done something to it) - but as the program runs on each tick of the system's clock the GPU is working at the same time as the CELL - affectively the GPU is another SPE - so there are your eight again!!

The MAJOR difference (other than the huge throughput of the system) is that the PS3 is a parallel processing system - a system that does multiple tasks at the same time. The Xbox360 and most P.C's (unless they have been configured and programmed differently - so NOT Windows) are sequential.

The CELL IS capable of 2.2 Tetraflops of Floating point calculations a second. When programmed to do one task sequentially it can kick out 256Gb/sec throughput.

Considering that you can pick up a PS3 now for about 240 pounds - that is extremely impressive. Just try and figure out how much you would have to spend on a P.C to get anywhere near that kind of performance. And then remember that even if the P.C. is capable of close to that performance - if it is a sequential system the PS3 will kick its ass all day long...

I have bolded the killer line. There is currently no PC configuration that comes close to the processing power of the PS3. Perhaps in 5-10yrs you may get a PS3 emulator.
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