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Old 06-04-09, 12:56 PM   #292
Posts: n/a

Okay, as promised, here is the first installment of Silverraptor's journal. Or, Ramblings of Cthulhu. With SandyCaesar for some help for the technical stuff.

Jan .1
I woke up this morning with a strange dream. I saw a place like no other and beings of incredible power. One of these beings showed me the truth of what I was and what I am supposed to do now. I went to sleep human, and woke up something... more.

Jan .8
I had another dream, this one on the plan that is to be enacted. I was assigned 6 months ago to the experimental nuclear submarine called the HMS Thanatus that would be leaving soon. I had much to prepare to get this submarine to the site of sacrifice.

Jan .17
I requested to talk to the Vice Admiral Stealth Hunter regarding some paperwork over administrative matters. While there, I sensed the need for power from him. I knew that I could use him for the plan. I hope I can manipulate him.

Jan .27
I've had a few more meetings with the Vice Admiral. My manipulation is working, but I will need to hurry. The sub will be leaving in a week. I convinced the Admiral to not interfere. I still need a way to sink the sub when it gets to the location. I'm not sure how yet, but I'm getting a few ideas.

Jan .31
Major gale today over the naval base, with hurricane-force winds. I hope the ships aren't damaged too badly. The Thanatus will be gone in five days, and I have to do something before then...but what?

Feb .1
Great luck. The Thanatus did suffer some storm damage, not much, but enough, hit by flying debris. The pressure hull wasn't breached, but the outside antennae and optic masts were damaged. It was a quick repair job, but it'll still take a week. The crew's not happy, but this is an opportunity...

Feb .4
Had another talk with the Vice Admiral. I had an idea, and I needed his copperation with it. He was getting uncomfortably curious, but I did get him to promise that tomorrow, the submarine will be mostly clear. With the sail opened by the workmen to replace the optics, it'll be the perfect opportunity.

Feb .5
I dressed as one of the workers and wandered over to the damaged section. I managed to disguise the charges as a new sensor package, authorized by the VADM, of course. It was easy enough to install them, bolt them down to the hydrodynamic hull, and replace everything. The real charges I replaced with dummies.

Feb .7
The VADM is fully in on the plan. Drawn by the promise of power, he promised to cooperate fully. Still, there was something I was uncomfortable with. I'm not sure what it was, though.
I also had another dream about the strange beings, telling me exactly what to do. There were a number of lesser beasts, too, servants of the Great One. They seek bodies to serve them, as well.

Feb .8
The repairs are fully completed. The workers assume that the sailors know about the "sensor package", and the sailors assume the workers know about it as well. Perfect.

Feb .18
Everythings in place. The stage is set. The boat will leave tomorrow and the plan will begin.

Feb .19
We have just departed for today. It will take some time to get to the sacrificial grounds. We have a crew of 60 on board, including civilian scientists. Everyone's very busy on the submarine...if only they knew. It'll take a while yet to reach the temple, since we have to explore so many other places along the way.

Mar .2
SandyCaesar's birthday. Seems like a competent enough guy, but suspects nothing. And he had a hell of a birthday present, as did everyone else on the boat. Me included. We discovered, and then stopped by, at Atlantis! The Vice Admiral still seems to be in shock. We'll be surfacing soon to broadcast the news.

Mar .3
Apparently somebody classified our report. CNN won't know. Apparently, whoever ordered this also thought that CNN wouldn't notice every boat with a pressure hull sprinting for all they're worth towards one patch of ocean. Yeah, right. In any case, we'll be spending quite a while here--at least six weeks, if the VADM is right. The civilian crew is still drunk over the victory celebration.

Apr .16
Leaving Atlantis. Finally. It doesn't help that there are about a hundred SSNs and SSKs hovering over it. The sonar-lashing is driving everyone aboard insane. It'll take a decade to fully document the finds.
Almost forgot. I was standing watch on the ROVs' imaging sonar when I found a statue. It was of a strange figure with tentacles instead of a beard, just like the Great Ones in my dreams. It was flanked by two smaller creatures, almost like squids...or the Krakens of Viking myth.
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