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Old 06-02-09, 06:46 PM   #7
Silent Hunter
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Is this a laptop or a desktop? If its a desktop - then PCI is an option and a very good one. However you do need to consider location.

The height isnt really an issue for you to have to worry about. Your dealing with what amounts to a radio signal here, so a couple of questions. Is your desk metal? Any big chunks of metal right close? Heating/cooling radiator, etc? These change how the signal propogates, though 25 feet should be cake regardless.

My bet here is still the adapter.

BubbleHead - the problem with netopia I have is their routers. What everyone in the industry calls port forwarding - and what they choose to call "pinholes" - simply does not work properly on most netopia routers. For those who have them that use our equipment, we usually have to advise setting the router up as a public pass and put a linksys or similiar soho router behind it for at least some minimal layer of protection. If netopia IOS actually did what you told it to, I wouldn't have nearly the issues with them. As for their support - get to a higher tier, get the engineer connected to you so he can see what you see, and watch him hem and haw and finally go "I dunno why it doesnt forward like its supposed to." I actually had one tell me once that the ports I was using were "non-standard" and thus couldn't be forwarded.

Of course some of them are non standard... sheesh!

2wire on the other hand...... I think half their routers are made out of exactly that - 2 wires..... and thats it.
Good Hunting!

Captain Haplo
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