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Old 02-17-09, 02:18 AM   #192
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by SandyCaesar
I take it that Aramike did most of his maneuvers behind the scenes, then? I never got a single hint that he was a hellhound. BTW, how did you manage to convince everyone to hit Gorduz? For that matter, how did you know to target him? Must've been some first-class action on your part.
When I first began questioning Aramike, I did the same thing I did with everyone else. I told him that he was a prime suspect and that he was next in line for the firing squad. Mayor Contact's execution was my evidence.
Somehow, he thought that pretending to be a seer would benefit him. He then accused Gorduz of being a werewolf. Obviously, if Gorduz was not a werewolf, Aramike would be lying and therefore either a worthless liar or a traitor.

I said as much to the rest of the Kamp Letze Jagd personnel that comprised the investigation. My reasoning to them was that either we have a seer and a werwolf, or we have an innocent victim, an example to the rest, and a lying traitor. I provided the others with transcripts of Aramike's testimony, as well.
To be honest, there were a few moments of doubt during that day's voting period. Chad, A Very Super Market, and Oberon waited until the last second to cast their votes. So I took it upon myself to contact several others and change tried to change their votes. Weiss Pinguin voted for Gorduz after I told him that he would draw the attention of the investigation if he voted otherwise, because of Neal's scripted implication that he might have made Letum into a werewolf. JCWolf changed his vote after I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing by making himself an obvious candidate for lynching. I also contacted others, including stabiz and mookiemookie (I think)
End result, the obvious candidate for the day gets off scott-free and the power of the inquisition is emphasized. I also earned the trust of JCWolf, right before we were both horribly dismembered.
Oh, I almost forgot. I also told several people that Gorduz was the prime reason for the lynching of Contact, even though that was completely untrue. I never spoke to the guy. I was just using him to figure out Aramike.

Hitman...I curse myself for missing him, his first "seer" call on Contact should've directed me to him immediately. I pointed this out to the committee, but as Hitman was on it I didn't get anything done...and by the time I got my "posthumous letter" out, it was too late.
I had no indication that any of those events had taken place. Hitman was concealing information.

As for the rest, I never suspected them. Although, I can see how not attacking all the time can psychologically screw everyone up: for most of the time, I thought there were only three wolves. It was a nasty shock to discover a total of five
Really, I didn't fare much better. The second that Aramike claimed to be a seer, all of my attention was on him, for the reasons previously mentioned.
My next targets for interrogation were Penelope Grey, Weiss Pinguin, and Firewall.
I questioned Firewall once already, but he was totally useless, so assuming that I had lived, I probably would have had him shot next just for being uninformative and annoying

I stole this sig from Task Force
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