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Old 02-15-09, 04:55 PM   #806
Ocean Warrior
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Well, the documentation PG showed me last night did imply that she was a human. It could have been faked, but it would have taken a bit of effort. Each time I think PG isn't a beast though, she stomps around, threatening to lynch people and threatening to lynch people the next night, if they don't vote her way and then she decides to lynch them anyway! She clearly can't be trusted to keep her word.

This is taking me some time, as I keep having to go back and check previous posts and PMs to try to get a handle on all this. I think that the previous night, it was pretty clear in the narrative that there were two attacks, one inside the U-boat and one outside. This would mean that Aramike killed Firewall and someone from the village or camp killed Oberon. The beast on the boat was found last night. So I believe the remaining one is in the camp or village. The village is the only place so far without a beast being discovered, so it seems logical that there is a beast hiding in the village, it's possible that it's in the camp, but not likely that it is in the U-13. If anyone is claiming that the beast is not in the camp or village, then I don't think they are doing us any favours and are trying to stir things up and muddy the waters.

I did suspect Penelope Grey at the start, but then I wasn't sure, but as this has gone on she has grown more controlling and seems to be trying to control voting, without offering any proof.

She sent me a message saying that she knew that I was a human and that she was pretty sure that Mookie and Super Market were Guardians. She then sent me another PM a short while later, demanding proof that I was human (after saying that she knew I was). As proof, she wanted to see the message giving me my secret identity from the Lord Neal up above. She is far too erratic to believe anything she says anymore and her accusations tell me nothing, as she has accused everyone. As to why she wanted to know what class I was, well...

Local folklore says:

Hellhound - The Hellhound is a particularly nasty breed of werewolf, capable of overpowering even a human Guardian. These choose one person to attack each night, just as a normal werewolf does. However, if that person is a Guardian, they are killed just as if they were a normal human. Or if that person is being protected by a Guardian, BOTH players are killed. If, by chance, the Hellhound attacks someone defended by TWO Guardians, the Hellhound randomly kills one of the three players (The attackee, or one of the two Guardians).
This seems to imply that a normal beast cannot kill a guardian, only a hell hound can. That would explain why Penelope Grey wanted to know what class I was, so she would not attack a Guardian (like she did last night)? She seems to be pretty sure that the hell hound is dead - how does she know? Perhaps that was a slip up, as there's only one way she could know. Perhaps the network of three land lubbers is working unknowingly with a beast.

Also, local folklore (The Q&A Thread) says that if a werewolf is to attack someone defended by a Guardian, then the Guardian will beat off the attack. If the attacker however is a hell hound, then both the Guardian and the person the Guardian was protecting will be killed. So, when A Very Super Market claimed to be protecting Chad, who was killed, that can't actually be the case can it? If Chad were attacked by a werewolf and AVSM was protecting him, then Chad would have lived. If Chad had been attacked by a hell hound, then both Chad AND A Very Super market would have been killed. In either scenario, A Very Super Market cannot possibly be a Guardian - unless I'm not understanding the folklore properly?

I don't know if Penelope Grey is a beast or not, or if she is having her strings pulled from behind the scenes, like the last trio of voters who had a beast controlling things. I didn't believe that Aramike was a beast, I secretly suspected Jimbuna, but now I believe that Jimbuna and Watch Officer Pinguin are innocent men.

Mathmatically, we have a one in three chance of lynching the beast. The wildy hysterical finger pointing of Penelope Grey is not helping us get anywhere though. If Captain Jimbuna and Watch Officer Pinguin can agree on a vote, I will vote with them.
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