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Old 02-14-09, 01:02 PM   #741
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Originally Posted by jimbuna
Originally Posted by mookiemookie
Mookie strolls into the bar to confer with the remaining survivors. Seeing jimbuna and Penelope he says, "I am sorry for Firewall and for the loss of Oberon, but we must take heart that the intensity of the attacks wasn't as bad as when that hell spawned beast was about."

"I can say for certain that A Very Super Market is definately not suspect, nor am I. What do you think?"
Jimbuna looks up at mookiemookie and says "Welcome, sit down and have a drink with us. I have been trying to figure this terrible mess out and am beginning to formulate a few plans. I am intrigued you jump to A Very Super Market's defence so quickly, would you care to explain why and share your beliefs with us?"
"Because he and I are both guardians," said mookie as he opened his coat to show his holstered Luger. "And we're the last best hope we have for staying alive." He continued, "AVSM wasn't on your boat last night. He snuck out and was with me at the inn last night. We bolted the doors and took turns standing watch over each other. And helping ourselves to a bit of Penelope's schnapps." He winked and grinned at her. "Don't worry dear, we'll certainly pay you for what we drank when this is all over."

"We made this plan yesterday. And if he were a wolf, he would have had an easy time of killing me in my sleep. The fact that I'm standing here alive today is all the proof you need that he's no wolf."
They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.

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