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Old 12-17-08, 08:23 AM   #9
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Yes i know about the problem with my grey color but i had two reasons tu paint it in grey. 1. I want to have a dark submarine atmosfer and so i tryed to realise the optik of sceens of the silen hunter game and the film das-boot. In this scenes it just look grey and i cant manage it with a white colour.
2. many dials have a lamp inside but this lamps are not very bright enough so i have to create a very dark background otherwise i cant see them realy god.

And later there is just red light on so nobody can see if itīs white are grey :-)

The dials dosnt work because i dont know what they should show for example i have to show that the boat is on top of the water because i have a (german) Turm Luke ) it is the way to the next etage of my house so it is opend the most time......

do you have some pictures of your room with interiour ?

The program to translate German/ Spanish doesnt work exacly enough for our theme but i will try to find some body from spain who translate for my ok

Last edited by sashke; 12-17-08 at 08:27 AM.
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