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Old 12-14-08, 02:01 AM   #12
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by CaptHawkeye
Anyway i've decided to experiment with a more aggressive strategy. It's paid off so far. I used the scouting force to ruin a large DD/CL patrol group in the channel. Only narrowly avoiding Beatty the next morning. Using Zeppelin scouting and minelaying I was able to corner a Monitor Fleet at Dover and annhiliate it with the HSF. I've lost lots of destroyers though. I can only hope i'm slowly wearing down the channel's defenses.
As I see it, that's the problem with using the HSF too aggressively. The Brits get more reinforcements while you have to make do with what you have. Eventually, once you sacrifice all your pawns (DDs) you will have to sacrifice some BBs/BCs. And you can't afford to lose any of those without being sure of striking a major blow to the British. Have you had any luck with your U-Boats? I plan to start an HSF campaign soon, and will probably do an AAR here when I do. Let us (me) know how your's is going so I may learn from your mistakes.


Last edited by PeriscopeDepth; 12-14-08 at 02:02 AM.
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