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mapuc 10-29-19 12:13 PM

Russia Is About To Turn Off The Internet
Is this possible ?

I know there are something called intranet. But close the World Wide Web in the entire Russia..isn't this different


The Russian government is about to begin testing its own internal Internet in order to determine whether the country’s information-sharing networks can be isolated from the World Wide Web. The first phase of testing is scheduled to take place in November, and will see the regular global Internet temporarily replaced with a national system known as RuNet.


ikalugin 10-29-19 12:52 PM

This is about internal resilience. Ie if say US places hard sanctions on the Russian segment of the Internet we want to be sure that it would still be working and providing key services.

Skybird 10-30-19 07:15 AM

While it also has something to do with information and communicition control of own citizens like they do it with the web in China already, in principle it is clever what Russia tries to gain in ability there: independence from the US' web control and dominance. Its consistent with their policy of becoming independent from the dollar as well (they have sold practically all their dollar reserve and bonds).

Europe dreams of acchieving the same, but does nto come to terms. Before he fell off the stage, Germany's economy minister Altmeier had a speech at a conference about the attempt to raise a European cloud service to break the monopoly of the Ameican compoanies here. It is also about data security of course, because you can take it as granted that the NSA tries to monitor the cloud space on American servers by routine - last but not least for economic spionage and material that could be used against European politics and economics and companies. And since Lil Boy at the latest it should be clear that Europe cannot trust the US anmore.

ikalugin 10-30-19 08:26 AM

I wouldn't say that we are going for true independence, but we do want to have key services up if push comes to shove due to how important they are now adays for normal functioning of the country, even in emergencies.

For example think about how even back bone phone networks work - they essentially use the internet like networks.

captainadccdacaptain 10-30-19 02:36 PM

North Korea supposedly has its own intranet, so it wouldn't be too far off for them to do

Catfish 10-31-19 03:30 PM

"Artificial intelligence, machine learning, facial recognition, biometrics and other advanced technologies could be used by governments to weaken democratic institutions.
The balkanization of the internet is now conceivable as firewalls spring up around national networks."

mapuc 10-31-19 03:37 PM

My thoughts or wonder was more in the technical area

Not in the political area.

It could be as ikalugin said in his first comment.

To have a internet running even if the ordinary have been shut down by other countries outside Russia.


Catfish 10-31-19 03:48 PM

But it is a good argument with the side-effect of "protecting" your people from other peoples' (read: nations) views.
Of course a country should be independent, but why not habe two national nets, one for services and one for international information.
The second the international one is turned off should tell you something is going wrong in your country.

ikalugin 10-31-19 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2634944)
But it is a good argument with the side-effect of "protecting" your people from other peoples' (read: nations) views.
Of course a country should be independent, but why not habe two national nets, one for services and one for international information.
The second the international one is turned off should tell you something is going wrong on your ****ry.

The issue that you are missing is the centralisation of the key internet services in the US.

This provides USG (and other US actors) not only with a unique information gathering tool (that they are known to exploit) but also with a unique influence tool - those companies can (and do) enact political editorial campaighns abroad (and at home), which are by far more powerful than any stories you have heard about the foreighn bots or political ads influencing US politics.

Should countries attempt to limit such influence, especially if it is hostile and harmful, such as FB stuffing their entire moderation teams (in Ru language sector) with Ukrainian nationalistic political activists?
Should they promote alternative services, so the users can atleast choose their poison?

Catfish 10-31-19 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2634946)
This provides US not only with a unique information gathering tool (that they are known to exploit) but also with a unique propaganda tool - those companies can and do enact political editorial campaighns abroad. Should countries attempt to limit such influence, especially if it is hostile and harmful, such as FB stuffing their entire moderation teams (in Ru language sector) with Ukrainian nationalist political activists?

Well we saw that having the servers in the US are no protection against election manipulation if you do it cleverly :)
Most will even now say that it did not happen because "what should not happen cannot happen (and "has not happened" lol).

It is true that most of international Severs are located in the US, and it is of course true that just of all Windows 10 breaks all previous agreed standards and reluctance when it come to transferring data to the US/NSA/younameit.

I do not like it either, but if the world/international citizen wants to change this, we'd need an international free independent organisation that provides that kind of independent anonymous internet.

If i look at what happens worldwide with the turning back to nationalism and China leading the whole crap i do not see this coming.

ikalugin 10-31-19 04:16 PM


Well we saw that having the servers in the US are no protection against election manipulation if you do it cleverly :)
Most will even now say that it did not happen because "what should not happen cannot happen (and "has not happened" lol).
As I have said - the editorialisation is a much more potent influence tool than any third party (ie Cambridge Analytica) can build.
Look up algorithmic fairness that Google is working on.


I do not like it either, but if the world/international citizen wants to change this, we'd need an international free independent organisation that provides that kind of independent anonymous internet.
Spoken like a true globalist :)
So what do nation-state citizens do, when actors from another nation-state attempt to influence their political choices via the services they use on the (enforced by parallel actions) monopoly?

For example, imagine if FB and Google were Russian companies, with politically and socially conservative Russian teams running the editorialising policy, how would you respond to this?

Catfish 10-31-19 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2634950)
[…] Spoken like a true globalist :)
So what do nation-state citizens do, when actors from another nation-state attempt to influence their political choices via the services they use on the (enforced by parallel actions) monopoly?

This is the problem with nations or states. Which is simply a kind of advanced tribalism, if you ask me. I know nobody does ask.
Abandon states and nations, and have a world government?
But what should all those alpha manikins and potentates do then.. maybe the world citizens or a world government should just shoot them? :03:


For example, imagine if FB and Google were Russian companies, with politically and socially conservative Russian teams running the editorialising policy, how would you respond to this?
Well i wonder what would be better, having it like it is done by the US now, or by the Russians. I'd say both are not pretty.

I understand it from a national point of view. And i fear that national thinking is coming back strong.

ikalugin 10-31-19 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2634953)
This is the problem with nations or states. Which is simply a kind of advanced tribalism, if you ask me. I know nobody does ask.
Abandon states and nations, and have a world government?
But what should all those alpha manikins and potentates do then.. maybe the world citizens or a world government should just shoot them? :03:

And have no representation in the decisions that said government makes due to it being so far removed and get cold drinks outlawed because Chinese think that they are bad for your health. No ice tea (coffee, cream, whatever) for you!


I understand it from a national point of view. And i fear that national thinking is coming back strong.
There was a monopolar moment and now it is passing.

Catfish 11-01-19 06:20 PM

This strange China phenomenon is not the way. It will hold out for maybe 30 years more, but not longer. Pandora's box has been opened 50 years ago.

Regarding the "monopolar moment passing" it is possible, i just hope what some of you call "humanity" gets back to science and a united force, otherwise you will stand no chance.

ikalugin 11-02-19 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2635060)
This strange China phenomenon is not the way. It will hold out for maybe 30 years more, but not longer. Pandora's box has been opened 50 years ago.

What Pandora's box?


Regarding the "monopolar moment passing" it is possible, i just hope what some of you call "humanity" gets back to science and a united force, otherwise you will stand no chance.
I knew you were a reptiloid :D

And you should not be projecting your ideological views onto how human society should operate, it would lead to disapointments, much like it does for Skybird.

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