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vdr1981 04-17-20 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2663854)
Yes, I'm aware of that but I always thought that those planes aren't actually visible in the game. I may have to double check that...:hmmm: Like you said, maybe its better to remove/delete Lajes airbase from early campaigns all together, just to be on the safe side...:hmmm:

Hmm yes...It seems that the "Threat zones" are causing problems. Namely, these zones will provoke inactive airbases to spawn airplane groups. I'm not really sure why is this happening but it smells like yet another broken "feature". After several hours of testing I didn't see any use of these "threat zones", only problems...I'll have to deal with this issue in the next update. :yep:

Tonci87 04-17-20 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2664020)
Hmm yes...It seems that the "Threat zones" are causing problems. Namely, these zones will provoke inactive airbases to spawn airplane groups. I'm not really sure why is this happening but it smells like yet another broken "feature". After several hours of testing I didn't see any use of these "threat zones", only problems...I'll have to deal with this issue in the next update. :yep:

That is interesting. I didnt consider what purpose the threat zones serve

GrenSo 04-20-20 08:27 AM

possible to add Small Motor Coaster Mod?
@vdr1981: What do you think about the Small Motor Coaster from kapuhy, you can find here, to add this one in next version?

vdr1981 04-20-20 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by GrenSo (Post 2664589)
@vdr1981: What do you think about the Small Motor Coaster from kapuhy, you can find here, to add this one in next version?

Working on it... :yep:

I am also working on whole bunch of other campaign related things, including global improvement of world's shipping lines, shipping groups and other campaign files. I cant give the exact ETA date for the next update but when it's done it will definitely have a lot of important improvements...:yep:

ShootingFish86 04-22-20 08:42 PM

Dialog options invisble, report log full of numbers.

Firstly an apology for if this has been asked before: I scanned 10 pages back and didn't see any question related to the issue im having.

Secondly, A warm thank you for the hard work in putting this mod together. Its really something of beauty.

I'm returning to the game and the mod after quite some time away and I think I have it all installed correctly. I am using a uPlay downloaded version, though i am using Uplay in offline mode so as to not get the patch that breaks the mod. I also am using the .exe file that was recommended in the work around information. The game loads, the save file loads. The game is playable and the mod appears to work. Here's the catch, or catches:

If i speak to my second in command, i have the first two dialogue options, then the numbers 3,4,5,6,7,8 are clickable but do not show any text. If i click these I am presented with 2 or 3 more options, all just numbers and no text. When i click one, the guy will say "okay" or something else in the affirmative, do a couple of quarter turns and then something will happen in the report log to indicate that i asked for a depth sounding, or whatever it was. The point being, the commands in the dialogue menu are working i just can't see what they are. I would appreciate somebody telling me what I have done wrong and possibly, how to fix it. Similarly, there is an icon in the top left corner of the screen when using map, and this one just has a list of tickboxes with no text to denote what each option box does.

The second issue i am having is that the report log, by which i mean the little window in the bottom right corner that gives me a text readout of what my crew told me, is spamming numbers. Usually, it is the number 5. if i press Q a bigger version of the log appears, but it does not seem to display this long list of numbers, and indeed doesn't show nearly as many entries as i am actually getting in the smaller window. Again, i feel like i might have done something wrong at installation.

Help is appreciated. Thank you

Aktungbby 04-22-20 09:22 PM

welcome aboard!

THEBERBSTER 04-23-20 03:51 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > ShootingFish86
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gap 04-23-20 06:57 AM

Continuing in this thread the conversation on neutral ships and German engagement rules ( started in kapuhy's Small Motor Coaster REL thread, because it belongs better here.

Kapuhy sorry again for having derailed your thread :salute:


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2665208)
Yes , I perfectly understand what you mean and I had similar toughs my self as well, but when I think of it and how much work these changes would actually require, I must I admit I tend to get scared a bit. :D

I have plans to ease up a bit neutral traffic in "legitimate" hostile waters for first two campaign chapters (problem of neutral ships in hostile waters isn't so pronounced in later war years) and I'll certainly reach out to you when I start to work on these stuff...:yep:

On a bright side, my introduction of illuminated vessels in TWoS took away large part of players confusion regarding targets selection. We now even have an add-on which will make certain nation to use only illuminated vessels until it joins to one of the confronted coalitions...:yep:

I am glad to learn that we share similar ideas, and whenever you will be ready to further develop them, I will be more than happy to ease your work both with historical research and by offering my modding skills.

Among the other things, I have been recently working on a still unreleased ensign mod which features realistic flags with correct aspect ratios (most of them are taken from pictures of real, weathered, WWII-era merchant and naval ensigns displayed in museums) and adds a few new nations to the game. I think that both features would make a nice addition for TWoS and that they could be part of our common effort to make SH5's sea traffic closer to the WWII-era one, but I am also in on putting my hands on ship units equipment and skins, campaign files, radio messages, etc.

Finally, I will leave you a few examples just to make clearer what I have in mind.

Fact #1 (from Wikipedia):
«President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the United States' neutrality on September 5 [1939], and declared the naval patrol a Neutrality Patrol. Roosevelt's initiation of the Neutrality Patrol, which in fact also escorted British ships, as well as orders to U.S. Navy destroyers first to actively report U-boats, then "shoot on sight", meant American neutrality was honored more in the breach than observance.
[...] At the beginning of 1941, President Roosevelt secretly organized a protection-of-shipping task force 24, given the designation of Support Force, United States Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Rear Admiral Arthur L. Bristol. Ships, planes, funding, and personnel were assigned in January and February, and operations began in March.
[...] To augment the fleet units already engaged in the Neutrality Patrol which President Roosevelt had placed around the eastern seaboard and Gulf ports, the United States Navy recommissioned 77 destroyers and light minelayers which had lain in reserve at either Philadelphia or San Diego. In Newfoundland on August 9, 1941, President Roosevelt agreed to provide American destroyers as escorts for the Canada to Iceland portion of HX convoys and westbound ON convoys. USS Greer ineffectively engaged U-652 on September 4; and on September 11 President Roosevelt declared Axis ships entered the neutrality zone at their own risk, and ordered the U.S. Navy to attack any vessel threatening ships under American escort. HX 150 sailed September 16, 1941, as the first convoy with American escort. ON 18 sailed September 24 as the first westbound convoy with American escort. The Gleaves-class destroyer Kearny was torpedoed while escorting Convoy SC 48 on October 17, 1941. The destroyer Reuben James was torpedoed and sunk on October 31, 1941, while escorting Convoy HX 156 with a loss of 100 lives»

In game: I think TWoS' version of defsides.cfg has still a 'FreeAmerican' nation I had setup for representing the escorts involved in Neutrality Patrols, and the few American merchants that were attacked by German U-boats when the USA were still officially neutral. Nonetheless, I think this 'nation' was never actually used.
What I would do, is to assign some minelayers (if available) and some old destroyers of the appropriate classes to the FreeAmerican roster. Starting from early 1941, when the Support Force was organized, these escort vessels should patrol the Est Coast of North and South America within an area described by this chart. I doubt the Nazis to be aware of those patrols, so should the players incautiously move their patrol zones too far west, they would risk suffering a surprise-attack by an apparently neutral warship (unless they are reading these notes, in which case they will be more prudent lol). Nonetheless, shortly after 11 September, when Roosevelt 'officialized' those patrol and their 'hostile' nature towards German submarines, a radio message should be dispatched warning all the Atlantic boats about the risk of being attacked by US destroyers patrolling the Neutrality Zone. Moreover, starting from the day 16 and the day 24 of the same month, 'FreeAmerican' destroyers should start escorting convoys of the HX and ON series respectively (other North Atlantic convoys might be involved too, and we will find them out). Again, the player wouldn't be aware about these US-escorted convoys until he sees one, or until he receives a BdU message reporting that US escorts have been spotted within Allied convoys and instructing U-baot captains on how to deal with them (= avoid them or... be aggressive with them :arrgh!:)

Fact# 2 (desumed from and after the Fall of France and prior to its liberation, a number of Vichy French vessels were attacked and sunk by German U-boats because they were not conforming with the Vichy French neutrality markings, or because they were suspected of radioing the U-boat position to the enemy. According to the essay Ordinary Sailors: The French Navy, Vichy and the Second World War «A further flavor of the restrictions under
which the French continued to operate was provided at a conference in Wiesbaden between the German Minister Plenipotentiary Hemmen and Admiral Michelier on 3 August 1940, where conditions were laid down for the departure of five French refrigerated vessels. Namely that three days’ notice of the departure of each vessel should be provided, along with routes and points of departure; the ships had to fly the French flag above a yellow flag, with French colors painted visibly on the sides and bridgework, surrounded by a yellow border on a black background and illuminated at night; it was forbidden to zig-zag; routes used by British convoys should be avoided and a safe distance maintained from Gibraltar; French crews should prevent under any circumstances ships or cargo falling into British hands. In addition, the ships should sail directly from Dakar to Bordeaux, individually and successively, meaning that one had to arrive at its destination before the next could cast off»

In game: during the German occupation all the French sea traffic should stay away from British-controlled areas and be composed by solitary ships. Moreover, all the Vichy ships should be illuminated at night and they should display the identification markings described above. In the same time, a 'FreeVichy' roster should be created. A few of its ships could miss some of the prescribed marking and/or night lights. Their traffic should be (very) scarce. It can be made to follow the same routes as regular Vichy shipping, but a few ships might be done to sail in small groups and/or to be bound for British waters. The more we mix-up thefe infractions to German rules, the more difficult will be the identification of potential French enemies by the player. Of course, shortly after the Fall of France, we should receive the usual BdU message instructing us on the rules to which French ships must attain not to be considered smugglers or spies. Even a single infraction would candidate them as valid targets.

Fact# 3 (desumed from and in the course of the war, a number of neutral fishing trawlers (IIRC mostly Spanish and Portuguese) were sunk by U-bowts South of Ireland because they were fishing too close to the British border.

In game: we should create 'Free' copies of the appropriate nations and place one or more classes of fishing trawlers in their roster. These vessels should be made to move back and forth from their territorial waters to open sea areas in front of Southern Ireland (we can desume those areas from the logs of U-boats who actually sunk neutral fishing boats). At the same time, we should make sure that no 'true' neutral fishing vessel is sailing that close to British waters. After the Fall of France, a radio message will inform the player that fishing activities in NE Atlantic have been restricted to the South of a certain latitude, and all the fishing vessels crossing that line are to be considered valid targets irrespective of their nationality.

Jimbuna 04-23-20 08:09 AM

Welcome to SubSim ShootingFish86 :salute:

ShootingFish86 04-23-20 09:08 AM

Dialog options invisble, report log full of numbers.
Thank you for the warm welcome guys. Despite being a member of subsim since 2017 i haven't actually posted or replied before lol.

Having done some more digging, I discovered this in the documentation for the mod:

"- Most of the ingame texts are missing (Flotilla objectives, map options settings, message box entries ect)
Remove "read only" attributes from your main SH5 install folder and run the game with administration rights."

The problem is that setting the folder to read-only doesn't stick. I guess this is something to do with it being the uPlay download version in the uPlay games folder. When i change the attributes of all the files in the SH5 folder it takes a few minutes, succeeds but then instantly reverts back to read-only.

Does anyone know a workaround? The missing text doesn't exactly break the game, so long as i learn what all the missing dialogue options are and commit them to my memory but im sure you can appreciate this is an extra step that is rather annoying

gap 04-23-20 11:08 AM

Hi ShootingFish86 and welcome aboard!

Lately the U-play version of the game has shown many compatibility issues. This is unfortunate indeed.

Probably someone else will pop up with a better suggestion, but I would recommend you to get another version of the game. Preferably the CD version, or even the Steam version, whose compatibility issues with TWoS have been finally solved. These days SH5 is so cheap that you can buy it (again) for the same price of a packet of cigarettes (I know, I know, smoking is not a good habit :O:).

Alternatively, you could try looking for a "trial" version of the game, if you know what I mean, and activate it with the credentials you bought from Uplay. That should work as well, you won't loose any functionality, and it wont cost to you any (extra) penny.

boogieman335 04-23-20 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by ShootingFish86 (Post 2665495)
Thank you for the warm welcome guys. Despite being a member of subsim since 2017 i haven't actually posted or replied before lol.

Having done some more digging, I discovered this in the documentation for the mod:

"- Most of the ingame texts are missing (Flotilla objectives, map options settings, message box entries ect)
Remove "read only" attributes from your main SH5 install folder and run the game with administration rights."

The problem is that setting the folder to read-only doesn't stick. I guess this is something to do with it being the uPlay download version in the uPlay games folder. When i change the attributes of all the files in the SH5 folder it takes a few minutes, succeeds but then instantly reverts back to read-only.

Does anyone know a workaround? The missing text doesn't exactly break the game, so long as i learn what all the missing dialogue options are and commit them to my memory but im sure you can appreciate this is an extra step that is rather annoying

Don't know if this will help but if you are running the latest version of Windows 10 version 1909 you might have to make an exception in your windows security setting s for SH5 in the ransomware portion. Its the setting that keeps files from making changes to your protected folders including the My Documents section where game saves are stored. I know when I first updated my system I had to make exceptions for several games to get them to save and work properly. I use the Steam version so I don't really know about the Uplay version though.

boogieman335 04-24-20 08:21 PM

For those of you that use my Boogie's Refit texture mod I have posted a new version. This is version 3.0 and is a complete texture package for interiors, exteriors, the bunker, as well as reworked uniforms with higher resolution and compressed with DXt5 format for better frame rates.
screens here:

edit: I forgot to mention in the readme in the file that I included some cloud tweaks derived from U190's great SH5 Real clouds mod. I changed them slightly to work with reshade to avoid color banding in the preset I made. My apoligies for neglecting the mention. If you don't use reshade you might want to download that mod and let it over write mine. As pretty much everyone else in the world I have been at home and even though as a music producer/engineer I do quite a bit of mixing here in my home studio I found my self caught up on projects and had time to fix some of the things in my mod that have been bothering me. I was supervised by Oreo the cat, and except for a quick catnip break we have labored all day on this. Thank those of you that use my mod and get pleasure from it. Be safe, don't let the Corona bug bite.

Lugermann 04-25-20 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by boogieman335 (Post 2665975)
For those of you that use my Boogie's Refit texture mod I have posted a new version. This is version 3.0 and is a complete texture package for interiors, exteriors, the bunker, as well as reworked uniforms with higher resolution and compressed with DXt5 format for better frame rates.
screens here:

edit: I forgot to mention in the readme in the file that I included some cloud tweaks derived from U190's great SH5 Real clouds mod. I changed them slightly to work with reshade to avoid color banding in the preset I made. My apoligies for neglecting the mention. If you don't use reshade you might want to download that mod and let it over write mine. As pretty much everyone else in the world I have been at home and even though as a music producer/engineer I do quite a bit of mixing here in my home studio I found my self caught up on projects and had time to fix some of the things in my mod that have been bothering me. I was supervised by Oreo the cat, and except for a quick catnip break we have labored all day on this. Thank those of you that use my mod and get pleasure from it. Be safe, don't let the Corona bug bite.

Superb! Thanks for the great work! :Kaleun_Salute:

But, it's normal this?

In the game the Real Navigaton it seems to work well...

THEBERBSTER 04-25-20 05:20 AM

Hi Lugermann
The Real Navigation Mod needs to be last so it is not over written by any other mod.

ShootingFish86 04-25-20 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2665540)
Hi ShootingFish86 and welcome aboard!

Lately the U-play version of the game has shown many compatibility issues. This is unfortunate indeed.

Probably someone else will pop up with a better suggestion, but I would recommend you to get another version of the game. Preferably the CD version, or even the Steam version, whose compatibility issues with TWoS have been finally solved. These days SH5 is so cheap that you can buy it (again) for the same price of a packet of cigarettes (I know, I know, smoking is not a good habit :O:).

Alternatively, you could try looking for a "trial" version of the game, if you know what I mean, and activate it with the credentials you bought from Uplay. That should work as well, you won't loose any functionality, and it wont cost to you any (extra) penny.

I'm sure my wife meant well when she bought me the uPlay version lol. she probably didn't intend for it to be the worst possible version to buy for modding (and it annoyed me slightly that i had to install yet another launcher onto my computer). I don't mind buying another version of the game but unfortunately my search has been fruitless. It seems that steam uk does not sell it for cheap (it is available only as part of a collection for £25). Disc copies are available on eBay, but only from germany at a price of around £14. Not to sound like a cheapstake but i begrudge paying that amount of money for a game i already own, particularly when the money won't actually go towards the developers and count in a "make more of this game, people like it" kind of way.

I may have to sit on this for a little while, and once world events mean i can go back to work i may rethink and loosen the purse strings a little.

Thanks for your reply

Lugermann 04-25-20 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2666028)
Hi Lugermann
The Real Navigation Mod needs to be last so it is not over written by any other mod.

In this case:



boogieman335 04-25-20 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Lugermann (Post 2666042)

The files reffered to won't break your game either way. They are just a thicker version of the line your pencil draws on the map to make them easier to see for tired old eyes like mine. If they concern you you can delete them from the mod. That is the only thing they do. Thanks for the kind words.

Lugermann 04-25-20 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by boogieman335 (Post 2666083)
The files reffered to won't break your game either way. They are just a thicker version of the line your pencil draws on the map to make them easier to see for tired old eyes like mine. If they concern you you can delete them from the mod. That is the only thing they do.

Oh, it's perfect for me too.

Great work. Great mod.


fitzcarraldo 04-25-20 11:33 AM

Awesome Boogieman! Looks really nice in my TWoS. I got to make work Reshade with KSD start button so I'm very happy and quarantined.

Many thanks for the great work.

And a request: Is there a way to put full beards to the crew? That little beard of the watchman seems too cared for an Uboat after 30 days on patrol...

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

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