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Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute: |
Does anyone succeed in the historical mission 'Plane AI Testing'?
Playing with WoS 2.2.10 I find this setup mission unbeatable :hmmm: I'm playing it using Trevally Attack Scripts for the Flack or without scripts, the plane immediately destroys my flak and causes heavy damage if I try to use flak instead of diving immediately. That's rather annoying because it's the only mission to train your skills against planes, but maybe this mission is setup to 'always win' ? In the WoS doc it's said that 'planes are still not up to the task', but I don't think so, because of this mission behavior I dare to assume that they are now unbeatable in the campaign too :) Anyone succeeding in that mission when not diving ? |
To 1) You should active and deactivate silent running and battle stations with the F keys. Don´t talk to the officer to do that. I once had the unpleasant experience of the game crashing when I asked the 1WO to end silent running. To 2) I believe the Battlestations level 2 ability is for use with the deck gun crew. I do not know if it gives any extra bonuses, but they will at least properly secure the gun when you deactivate it. To 3) That is not normal behavior Please post your modlist Quote:
I have no mods other than TWoS.
I can think of two remote possibilities..... 1. Maybe there was a little mixup in programming. The higher you watch officers spotting ability instead of better spotting maybe it actually decreases his spotting ability? If Vecko could look at the code just to make sure it’s correct that would be great. The only reason I bring this up is I did not notice the problem until AFTER I made him a level 2 spotter. Or 2. I think he said recently in the patch notes he tweaked some sort of visibility number. Would this affect our watch officer spotting ability? I highly doubt this as I notice a change in the game itself without any moat he changes. This seems to be happening at night. The W.O. Seriously loses the ability to spot until things are very close . |
Environmental MOD for Silent Hunter 5 сreating a problem. Thanks for your help ! :Kaleun_Cheers:
No issue here. Are your guys on low morale?
First, the Short Stirling isn't a flying boat.:03:
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Stirling Second, if you already know the name why don't you use Google?:hmmm: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Hudson And third, why is this in General Topics and not the SH5 forum?:O: *Edit* Ok, the post I responded to was removed so it's now out of context. o_O |
I cannot find this guide anywhere, so I hope im not embarrassing myself..
Do you know of any guides for tracking down convoy reports using realnav? What does, scope bearing, true bearing, etc.. mean? ANy guides on how to successfully track down convoys in WOS w/ Real Nav? Thanks! |
That would be amazing! I have been at sea for 10 days now with no contacts but a lot of convoy reports!
I think you must be able to work with the Long/Lat tool to mark the position given by BDU with a Supermark, then throw a rough course line and you can calculate if you can intercept the convoy or not. Now, in my game I would just see the long/lat on the map, in real navigation you won't see it I guess, a map without long/lat data, humpf...who has invented such a map (sarcasm: on) (Sarcasm: off): Whatever, the long/lat tool is when hitting E somewhere in the map tools. Good plotting! :Kaleun_Cheers: |
Click my signature for videos on tracking radio contacts and such. Hope they help! |
It was a good patrol: Tonci. Patrol #12. 11/8/1940 I´ll make a video explaining what those Convoy reports mean and how to use them to your advantage. Hopefully tomorrow. |
OK for those of you who are wondering why my watch officer was losing his spotting ability at night I’m not sure if I fixed it or not. And I checked his moral was high.
The bug went away when I stopped using the journal. I never open the saved journal anymore ( ow I don’t use it at all) and also i use to delete the auto save and then load my saved game with the “continued career” function and I no longer do that. By stopping these two things my watch officer seems to have regain his ability to spot ships. I hope this helps anyone else. Also since I’m here..... sometimes I run across a group of two ships but only one of them is producing smoke. Does anyone else have this from time to time? |
I don't think it has anything to do with the journal, this game function is far away from the behavior of your WO. Saving games correctly in SH5 has surely to do something with it. Here the Does & Don'ts that you must keep an eye on if you don't want big trouble (this is not to memorize, it's just for reference): ------------------------------------------------- When saving the game - and when not... ************************************** You will be surprised that I make such a doc, but the savegames in SH5 are so complex that they can ruin your day when you save at the wrong time or when your savegames become corrupt. So read all this and remember carefully. 1. Save the game everytime you start a new campaign or campaign section, just after entering the bunker screen. Save and reload from the main menu. A pop-up text in TWOS will remind you of this. DO IT, or the campaign may not play out correctly! 2. Don't use Autosaves, don't overwrite old saves, always save in a separate slot, use names without spaces like camp_1, camp_2 etc. to save your campaign progresses. Autosaves can easily get corrupted and overwriting saves could make your save 'vanish'. 3. Best moments to save... During the campaign, save when no ships are nearby, far away from bunkers or major ports in open sea in order to minimize save corruptions. Best moment to save is after a convoy attack and after leaving the place in open sea with no more ships in sight, or after leaving your patrol zone (see next point). Save often in these conditions, the more saves you do the less you need to replay after a possible crash when reloading... 4. Saving in your patrol zone will unfortunately RESET your required patrol time in that zone. The consequence is not very severe, but it's nasty. So be sure to save just BEFORE you enter the patrol zone (just in case something goes horribly wrong), then patrol your required time in one piece without saving (you can use TC!), then save just AFTER leaving the zone and after you have patrolled the required time in order to secure your progress. DO NOT SAVE THE GAME WHEN... - Damaged or combatting AI units are nearby; - When planes are flying nearby; - If your sub is damaged and underwater; also don't use TC higher than 16; - In heavy populated ports or just outside your bunker, go further away. - If you have finished your time in the patrol zone, then LEAVE IT before saving (see reason above). The 2 first ones can corrupt your savegames, especially the first one. The other ones can just be fine, but it's not optimum for game stability. IF YOU GET A CORRUPTED SAVEGAME... Sometimes you can rescue the save by deleting the file "Special.txt" from your savegame folder (...Documents\SH5\data\cfg\SaveGames\0000000*). Reload the save and pray... ------------------------------------------------- |
[Please disregard...solution found]
Hi Veko, in Wos, the observation scope inside the sub has a darker color than the one used in SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2 (or its 1.2.2 patch). How did you change it? Is there a mod for this, or which files would I need to change to have this dark color? Here 2 screenshots to illustrate the difference, the 1st comes from SteelVilkin's mod, the 2nd from your WoS. https://ibb.co/xF0fz50 https://ibb.co/FzBqjXd Thanks very much for the info! Best greetings, :Kaleun_Cheers: |
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